Whassup Thookie! Where's your ring? :^P
As for Little Miss Little... unless you wrote the wrong thing... 14 karats is nearly impossible. So your sister is lying to you. I would forgive her for her lies and then chew her out for not asking for money without trying to stoop you.
Little here's your chance to show her how much you love her and how much better of a sister you are by hooking her up and knowing she lied.
If you want to get a better idea... go to tiffany's website just to look at what Thookie mentioned for a diamond. Ur sister probably gave you a ring from a gum ball machine that cost 25 cents. 555
j/k... about the gumball machine... but the 14 karat ring costing 1 grand is a big fat LIE.
(I have a friend looking at a 2 k ring costing much much more than 1 grand).
And big rings are so distasteful... I hope none of you girls ever want such a ring.
Repeat after me... "cubic zirconian" repeat that every day until your man asks you want you want for an engagement ring and say, "cubic zirconian"
Okay... ignorance took the best of me....
almost 3 grand... (but 14k does not equal carat so MY BAD)... as you can tell... itz not my time to be knowledgable on this matter... dreads that day... <shutter....shutter....> 5555555555555
at least I can admit when I'm wrong right?