

sarNie Adult
my sister pawn her ring with me she asked for $300. She said it cost $1,000 It's a 14k with 3 diamonds on the front plus mini diamonds on the sides I want to know does it really cost that much or is she scamming me. Dont know if I could trust her. I said I don't want the ring I rather want my money but u know I feel bad she's my older sis and I have a weak heart so I gave my money and I kept the ring until she could come up with the money like a week


sarNie Juvenile
well not sure what's it worth cause im no diamond expert but if ur sister hardly ever lie to you and if she realyl good to you then i say why not help her out and loan her the money i mean i know 300 dollar is alot of money but are u going to be bankrupt loaning it a ur sister who is good to you(assuming she good to you and not like some other ppls sister) i say that's be a good lil bro of course if she a crappy sister who barely pays back anything etc etc i would make a payment plan lol just my thoughts


sarNie Elites
it depends on how big the diamonds are, and the grade...aside from the gold. but to be honest, if the ring only cost $1000 to begin with and the diamonds are decent sized (including even half a karat), it's most likely not real, because good quality half karats and up usually cost more than that. or if anything, the main diamonds are fake and the little diamonds are real? it's a tough call, because grade and quality (among many other things) change the value drastically.

but like genk said, if she rarely lies to you (especially about serious things) and you know that she is not desperate for cash, you shouldn't worry about it. ;)


Wanna-Be เจ้าชู้
Whassup Thookie! Where's your ring? :^P

As for Little Miss Little... unless you wrote the wrong thing... 14 karats is nearly impossible. So your sister is lying to you. I would forgive her for her lies and then chew her out for not asking for money without trying to stoop you.

Little here's your chance to show her how much you love her and how much better of a sister you are by hooking her up and knowing she lied.

If you want to get a better idea... go to tiffany's website just to look at what Thookie mentioned for a diamond. Ur sister probably gave you a ring from a gum ball machine that cost 25 cents. 555

j/k... about the gumball machine... but the 14 karat ring costing 1 grand is a big fat LIE.

(I have a friend looking at a 2 k ring costing much much more than 1 grand).

And big rings are so distasteful... I hope none of you girls ever want such a ring.

Repeat after me... "cubic zirconian" repeat that every day until your man asks you want you want for an engagement ring and say, "cubic zirconian"


Okay... ignorance took the best of me....


almost 3 grand... (but 14k does not equal carat so MY BAD)... as you can tell... itz not my time to be knowledgable on this matter... dreads that day... <shutter....shutter....> 5555555555555

at least I can admit when I'm wrong right?


sarNie Adult
the band of the ring is said 14k and there's a "yeso" sign on it next to 14k My last time doing this for her or anyone who cares people call me stingy plus she likes to spent money like nothing gambleholic she's a good sis though but needs to be more responsibility with her kids and bills she works in the casino makes more money than me i'm only a part-time


Wanna-Be เจ้าชู้
But that's the thing... if it's real... it wouldn't be that cheap. Sounds fishy... but would suck to make accussations without knowing for sure...

But probably doesn't matter... I think the problem isn't the ring, but the communications between two sistas.

Poor Miss Little.

Hope your venting helped make you feel better...


What's up Lionheart?


Little, does your sister constantly ask you for money? If not, then its ok to help her out every now and then. I help out mine, since she's a broke college student and unemployed lol. Plus, before when I was younger and didn't work she would always help me out as well, kinda like a second mom always buying me things and making sure I had lunch money.

On the other hand, if the ring's pretty: wear it lol.

Note to Dyno: I feel so sorry for your future wife! Poor girl...cubic zirconia, a cheap substitute for diamonds. OMG and I can so imagine you telling her its a real diamond too.