
..you guys craack me up so bad with that faint talk..i thought it was funny too..i laughed at it...
anyway..it was so cute of him to come back and wake her up and realize that she faint...
hahha..sarn, p'ek does look weak when n'ek took control over the arguement..and also, is it just me or is Mew walking very funny..she' crack me up..cuz i know that she's a tomboyish but yet..the way she walk..it bug the heck out of me..a ladylike dont' walk like that..but again...i might walk like that too..just a though maybe they need to make her walk in a nicer way..^^
oh..i love that song too..it's was very cute of him to hide and smile secretly behind a tree looking at Mew's beauty..^^
i still think Num and Fresh should stick together like those two dishwashermen think..
