It's okay, everyone has different taste and opinion when it comes to lakorn. I actually find the lakorn very interesting to watch. Afterall, it's only been 4 episodes and probably 9 more to come before it ends, so I'm sure the plot will starting moving along.
Anyhow, Bou! I've been good sweetie. I'm still around, lurking. No need to worry. I enjoy sarnworld very much so I won't go anywhere anytime soon. Thanks for keeping me in mind. :sweat:
I know, huh? It seems like only weeks ago HJC was out but it really has been one year. Dude, this year is moving by too fast! I feel like an old fart! I'll be around more often now since Aom has a lakorn out and there are many lakorns that I've been look forward to watch, like Tik & Cherry, Mos & Pim. B)
Well, back to Sadut Ruk. I'm not sure if they will run away or not. But judging by the storyline, how else will they be together if they don't run away? I give kudos to Andrew. He really is a great actor regarding what people has to say about him personally. He's a very hard worker and he most definitely deliver onscreen. I always give kudos to people who put their heart and soul to their craft, you can't knock that.
Sarn! I know you like the boom boom scene too girlfriend. Don't deny that you aren't an old pervert like me. :lmao: