sarNie Granny
i hope the mos fan will subb this lakorn for us..
you should, that will be good. I would someone to sub. Exact's new lakorn, I mean the one that seems interesting. Please keep us inform if you're going to strat a team to subb. Exact's lakorn. I would love to help, but I don't know any thai.^__^ Yeah Ann is support in this.. she's been support for a while now and that sucks! but it's ok i'll still watch for her ^__-" I'm thinking about putting a subbing team for the exact 2009 lakorns lol well the ones im interested in at leastbut don't know how well that will go.
you should, that will be good. I would someone to sub. Exact's new lakorn, I mean the one that seems interesting. Please keep us inform if you're going to strat a team to subb. Exact's lakorn. I would love to help, but I don't know any thai.
are you going to be in a team or just subbing by yourself?LOL I am going to start one for Exact Lakorn'sRight now I'm setting things up trying to get them done by Jan 15th when Artit Ching Duang is suppose to air
are you going to be in a team or just subbing by yourself?