sarNie Roll Call


Staff member
LOL almost 5000 Members and when I go around the forum I see like the same less than 900 users posting whats up with that lol -___- are the others scared to post? or registered just to see Buddie Media? LOL So so whats the deal??? if your a newb or someone to is to shy or scared to post then this is your chance -___- how else would you make buddies if you don't show yahself :p lol but I miss my spammers they have quit sarNworld like literally unregistered T___T If they are reading this they need to re-register and bring their tushies back!!!!


sarNie Hatchling
LOL I don't think they're scared...they just won't post! Hehe...They only want the Buddie Media and then leave. I mean the least they can do is say thanks once in a while for the downloads or post something in the threads. I notice the same people post over and over's so true that only about 100 more or less members are actually active.


sarNie Juvenile
i think some of them jsut don't know wat to post like me sometime cause i don't know much abotu thailand news, cambodian or chinese and etc...


Staff member
lol genkers there are other things to post about at least help reuploading would be nice I notice the same people reupload hahah lol and azn_chick I agree with you girl lol i look at the board and i still see my name as the latest post in each section hahah lol =x so whats you ya'll are yah scared? to lazzy to post? lol :p we won't bite and if u want to get the excuse "I don't know anyone " is so lame!! lol cause im sure not all of us knew someone when we first came on but we made an effort and i suggest *coughs* chat ... lol thats how I got to know a few cool sarNies =) lol


sarNie Adult
i dont post much anymore but im still HERE! Right HERE! See me? ------>> Here

lols. :loool:


i think that the 900 active members made more than one account therefore only 900 are active and the rest lay low. lol :D


sarNie Elites
hihi~ y'all! well, i had been around here for a numerous of times and yet i became an inactive lately... i think it's started when radio center was setted up. because it's loading up very slow. it's very frustrating for me to wait for just a 3 minutes or more. sometimes it would end up saying 'page cannot be displayed' and all that. however, for now i'm more active for my archive thread, though. ^^v

BUT it's not only because radio center, i have been addicted to jpop now so i tried to check japanese thread and it usually dies including chinese thread. same goes to korean thread as well. all i see updates are DBSK and SUJU mostly. that i'm not a fan of them. how can i post if i don't take any interest in those. =/ as for thai thread, i tried to catch up and yet i fell sooo way behind so i gave up. -__________-

nowadays, shout-out thread seems kinda bland now... T_T i have nothing to say or same interests as you guys now. don't kill me... i really love sarnworld as always. because it's my very first forum ever before joining in other forums. ^^

yes i can see your point about inactived members seem aiming for the buddie media section. my suggestion would be BNS forum's ways. i love the way how they manage the forum. you can google it and check it out. =] to be honest, this forum is messier than it used to be.

finally, i posted here in this section. @(^0^)@ it has been awhile. =P gotta jet. i might not be around here often except for my archive thread. <3
