-___- the chat makes me mad .. urgh .. it doesn't like me well guess what I got news for you mr. 123flashchat.swf I don't like you either ... you can take your booting powers and shove it up your server >.<
whoohooo tina! that's my girl!
lmao hott stuff tina!!
Proud moment in flashchat where Natty, my benefactor calls me Nai! lol.
hauhaha you want more i'll tell you more... come back to the chat room....^_-Y.. you know your never alone.. mhuahuahuahuauahuahuahua =Doh my smacking gosh.... i was present on the screencap.....boo-yah..raise the roof.......raise the roof
*stop telling us ghost stories girl and p'john.... ur the reason why i'm not going to be able to sleep...i want Teddy to hug now..erghhh tell nai when she get's on tomorrow...lmfao*
smacks gurl on the head and says no then runs offhauhaha you want more i'll tell you more... come back to the chat room....^_-Y.. you know your never alone.. mhuahuahuahuauahuahuahua =D
kekeke.. see if i'm on =P... i got plenty to tell...*wink wink*smacks gurl on the head and says no then runs offtomorrow night, me, u, p'John, p'Nat, drinkingStraws, and Nai................. ghost story night!!!!!!!!! same time same place.....k?? night nighty
i'm wating for you.. where you at... i'm at chat room right now... still no sign of you....smacks gurl on the head and says no then runs offtomorrow night, me, u, p'John, p'Nat, drinkingStraws, and Nai................. ghost story night!!!!!!!!! same time same place.....k?? night nighty