lol im back .. so im closing the poll xD
congrats ceci and everyone who participated, i see the votes are SO close
edit: oh yeahs lol, next week wen ur done dont post in here, we'll jus do an anonymous voting HAHAHA, and next week imma make it so it's one vote only
and yeah wenever ur done wif the arkwork pm to me this week .. im not goin to join this week =[ i needa stud =[[[ ayajaja lol
and OoOOOo me and anie were thinking

since we had this idea last night .. lol one battle week we might do a 'partner' battle

- me and anie did it last night so that i did the text and she did the blending xD and we tried the other way round too lol where she did the text and i blended lols it's fun tho