I believe it's possible. However, if you don't it doesn't make you a bad person. I don't believe that saving yourself until marriage will make you a better or worst person. Sure it's preferable and it's ideal because that is generally how you are taught and raised as a child. I believe that if you do choose to get intimate with someone you should really love them because some guys now a days sure they'll marry you, but it doesn't mean that they will stay faithful to you. If a relationship reaches a certain level of understanding and intimacy and you make the choice to lose it then it there is nothing wrong with it. I would say do what makes you feel right. Don't let someone else tell you what is right or wrong. I myself waited until marriage, but it wasn't because i believed that it would make me better. I had my morals of course, and my husband also shared the same beliefs. Sometimes things don't work the way you want them too. If they don't you shouldn't beat yourself over it.
The best way is to keep distance from guys. Oh yes, and imagine if ur husband finds out bout u losing ur virginity before marrying him, he will get mad and abandon u n cheat on u. dis is true for he will be angry and think that he had married a slut and will regret it. so its best if u stay a virgin and wait after marriage to lose ur virginity.
There is so many things wrong with this statement I wouldn't know where to start. Your virginity doesn't make you a person. It's YOU that makes you a person. Just because someone lost their virginity before they are married it doesn't make you a better person that a virgin. If a guy marries you then he is marrying you for you. If you decide to hide the fact that you had sexual experience before marrying him it doesn't make you such a good person now does it? It's the you lying part that makes you the bad person in his eyes. Thinks he married a slut? Since when does having sex makes you a slut? If you shared one partner before getting with the guy you are marrying then you tell him talk to him and make sure it's ok. If it bothers him then he isn't the one for you. You could get married the guy could sleep with you and start cheating on you forcing you to file for divorce either way? I mean ... of course as a guy I would be like if she lied to me about being a virgin before she married me then who knows what else she is lying about?
If a guy really loves you then he wouldn't abandon you over this even if you lied about it. He would be angry of course, but naturally he'll forgive you. Love isn't weighed on if a person is a virgin or not. It's weighed on how you communicated. If the communication is already bad then the marriage will not work. For example. Getting married you never tell your husband you had sex before you married him. He finds out about it. He gets mad and upset, but a good husband would talk it over and try to forgive you unless he is a complete jerk or if he's too traditional to where it bothers him.
Overall I'm not saying go out and have sex. I'm just saying if you choose to then it doesn't make you a bad person. Don't let someone tell you that you are. Also be prepared for the emotional, mental, and psychological effects it may have on you. You may know about protection, birth control or what not it doesn't make you READY. It just makes you prepared. Being prepared and Ready is different.