SBS Love Letter : Game Show


sarNie Hatchling
thoyting said:
ahhaLOL Cat you are to silly ahahlol.. yeah I hope Shinhwa will be back soon.. but I have to watch the Bali special cause FTTS is in it.. and I just love watching Brian but I do wish that BSG was back on there.. the girls that i really like is Bada and Hawng Jung Eum.. they rest are okay ahah...

Do you remember the Shinhwa special on xman... and the girl who chose Dongwan at first but than in the end pick Minwoo over Dongwan? that the girl I'm talking about.. she ending up sheding tears cause no one came out for her enderment and Tim felt bad cause she called out his name as her love.. ahha it was sad but funny..

Here a picture of her..

Here crying..
[post="120215"][/post]​ was her first time on lovletter rite??

i liked da part when dat grl touches fany...he was like "ahh...dont touch me!!" :lmao: n can anyone tell me wats her name??

n i liked da part when brian dances....haha i was like "OMG...its king kong!!"


sarNie Elites
i just finished bali eppies... gosh it's bored... no offense... but i enjoyed FTTS and ChunMin parts. :)

i just saw the preview for next week... SO HAPPY SJH is BACCCK! also is tony first time appearing this show???


sarNie Hatchling
kitkat said:
i just finished bali eppies... gosh it's bored... no offense... but i enjoyed FTTS and ChunMin parts. :)
i just saw the preview for next week... SO HAPPY SJH is BACCCK! also is tony first time appearing this show???
YAY!!! i cant wait till next weeks episode!!! :p :D n yea, i liked da FTTS parts too but whos chunmin?? :sweat:


sarNie Elites
^ChunMin is two person.. it's CMH and KJM (chun myung hoon and kim jong min) =)

the reason i use that name because in LL eppies, they always are known as ShinChunMin (shin jung hwan, chun myung hoon, and kim jong min) so in this eppie, there's no SJH, only CMH and KJM so therefore, i call them ChunMin. =D

i hope i make it clear.. lol

anyways, as for next week, there will be no CMH then i will call ShinMin (SJH and KJM) =P

i don't really like the short man... he doesn't even make me laugh at all... even you can see he TRIED so hard to be comedian. O.O

i really wanted ShinChunMin on the shows than only two persons. =( it will be so much funnier! ^.~


sarNie Hatchling
Hey Cat OMG I cant wait to see the season 3.. yeah Chicken guy is back.. I am so going to love it ahahah he is just to funny.. so who is the guest for this coming week eps.? just wondering...

ahah I'm still DL the last eps. to the bali special.. and yeah i love all of FTTS part ahahlol.. I just love brain and fany... I like how when Brian was about to bunjee jump he was saying thanks to fany for making money for the both of them and stuff.. and when fany was about to jump he was saying to brian that he is making money for both of them ahahLOL.. that was too funny!! and how when fany was up bungee jumping and started to sing brain imitaing him again.. and than fany predict that brian was going to go towards the screen and inimitate him ahahlol.. brian was like "that freaky" ahhalol too funny!!

yeah there wasnt much people that interest me much on the specil.. i wish Cheayoen or BSG was there.. but at least there is still Bada and HJE.. i like the two.. cause there always pickign fights with each otehr hahalolol

oh and that one girl that cry I forgot her name.. have to look it up but to lazy at the moment ahah sorry!!


sarNie Elites
thoyting, well who's on guest list for this weekend? let's see what i saw in the preview:


Tony - isn't it his first time in LL?
Kim Jong Min

Choi Si Won
Shin Jung Hwan - yay i can't wait!
Jo Kye Hyung
Seo Jae Kyung
Yoon Jung Soo
Dong Hae (???) [This is the only guest I'm not too sure about. If anyone else has a good eye, look at the scene in the preview when the guys are wearing egg costumes. The guy standing between Tim and Ryan, is he Dong Hae? I'm assuming it's one of the Super Junior members because Si Won was dancing with a guy in the beginning.]


Park Jung Ah
Hwang Jung Eum

Soo Jin - ughhh I DISLIKE HER...
girl with long hair (I don't think it's Nam Gyu-ri)

this time no LSG and CY.. i think... in blue color, i'm looking forward to see them! :D i finally will watch the latest episodes because SJH! hehe i'm sure SJH wouldn't get coupled in all episodes. lol only he got coupled once with KSA (kim sun ah). ahha


sarNie Hatchling
Hey Sisii.. yeah it hard to get use to the newbies hahalol.. I guess they have to grow on you... I guess the only girls i really like is Bada and HJE... Park An the jewerly girl is okay to me... it seems that she going to be on the show for a couple more eps. and Soojin.. Its not that i dislike her or anything.. but I'm just not feeling her.. I dont know why ahhalol..

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG CHOI SI WON!!!!!!! MY BABY is back awwwwwww I wish BSG was back to ahhalol I like seeing these two pair up.. THANKS CAT for the guest list.. and from looking at the preview CSW is trying to get with Park An.. the jewerly member.. I'm fine with that cause I do think she is pretty and CSW being pair up with her is better than being pair up with Soojin.. hahalol but aww I wouldnt mind seeing CSW pair up with HJE hahalol.. it cool though

CANT WAIT CANT WAIT!! and it seems to be a lot of new games and stuff.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! cant wait.. and yeah I wish cheayeon was back too.. but i guess she already have xman and she probably busy.. just like BSG aww that suck.. but oh welll.. I still have Bada and HJE.. hahalol..


sarNie Elites
i still haven't get use to newbies. LOL since i don't watch any latest episodes until bali episode.. i got bored already except FTTS, KJM, CMH, bada, HJE, PJA, and tim parts only. ^^"

season 03 seems looking super fun but just wait and see. if it's bad but it won't stop me watching it because SJH rocks! his hair is hilarious! it look like he got a haircut by using bowl cut. haha! oh yeah i love his hilarious dancing and his comedy witty comments. LOL gosh i can't wait this saturday!!!! talking about SJH made me crazy already. pbffty!!


sarNie Hatchling
ahahlol yeah its hard getting use to the newbies.. but even the oldies ahahlol like Soonjin I'm still tryign to get use too.. hahalol.. and the Baili special I mainly watch it for FTTS.. i just love these two guys.. so freaking funny!!

yeah i cant wait for the new show.. CSW is back.. Love that boy.. and he seems to be going after PJA...

dang i cant wait to see it.. and YAY for the chicken guy I hope he comes back to xman too ahahlol that would be so COOL!!! cant wait to see it!!


sarNie Elites
^SJH back on xman? it looks like it's gonna hard to get him back.. i mean i'm sure fans petitioned sbs to get SJH back on the show... so it's sort of hard decision for them to decide... i guess they let him on this show instead of xman? i really wanted him back on BOTH shows! then the rating will bomb up! hehe

yeah it seems CSW goes for PJA.. i wonder how old is he again? too lazy to backlog this. ^^" he really looks so young compares to PJA.....


sarNie Hatchling
dang I'm waiting for the balia subs... it werid to me that I DL all of LL but not xman.. cause I think I DL most of it cause BSG was in it.. well all of season two i have ahahlol.. and also there was Minwoo and WooHyuk and there was other hot guys there too.. ahah I had to get all of LL but for xman.. it varies...

dang new eps. comes out this week.. cant wait to see but than again I still wouldnt know what they are talking about.. so I would probably just skim through the program until i get the subs ahahlol.. I always do that cause I hate watching it without subs.. I'll just watch a little of it ahahlol.. I wish i knew what they were saying ahah

um.. from what I know it says he is and 1987 born so that makes him 19 cause i think his bday was Feb. but people say he is actually a 1986 born and SM change his age (which is so weird why the hellwould they do that?) so if he is an 86 he would be 20...

and isnt PJA like around her mid 20's I say around 24 or 25? or i might be wrong cause i dont really know.. just guessing from the way she looks hahlol

CSW is just so HOT! Love that boy!!


sarNie Elites
^lol i think CSW is young for you ... LOL he can be one for me but nahhh... the one and only eric! hehe

me too... i d/l a lot of LL eppies... more than xman since LL has a lot of my faves while xman doesn't... anyways, PJA could be mid-20's because the way she looks. lol i think it because of her eyes that looks like a bit of man's. no offense. haha

man do you feel that this saturday is a bit too long? i mean i felt soooo slow this week! probably i think about this and xman's next eppie too much. LOL


Bada and HJE are my only hope for this show loll omo omo :w000t: Choi Shi Won!!!!!! eeeeeekkkkkkk Just his darn cute dimples lights up my day hehe He's sucha pretty boy isn't he? haha


sarNie Hatchling
ahhLOL.. hey Cat he is not that young.. cause if he is a 1986 born than I'm only about a year older cause I'm born 1985.. haha I can still have him ahah age aink nothing but a number..

and YES CSW is just so ADORABLE with that dimples of his hahalol.. I LOVE this boy!!

yeah LL have more people worth watching than xman for now.. cause all the good people on xman left.. but its still a good show.. anyways.. I cant wait to see what happen this weekend.. but than again I need subs cause I'll probably just skim through it just to see CSW and wait for the subs to watch the whole eps.

ahh PJA looks like a man cause of her eyes? ahha your funny Cat.. I think she is super skinny.. her face look like nothing but bones.. its not pretty when its like that.. but hey there asian and in asia so to them its sexy ahhaLOL.. werid...

I feel sorry for HJE sometimes.. cause they are always making her partner with KJM.. I love KJM and all but it funny sometimes how the only guy that would go for her would be KJM cause they are the Tung Tung couple.. ahahlol


sarNie Elites
well i like tung tung couple, though. they look good together.. but i felt bad for HJE because she's known as sexy chick, right.. so basically she couldn't get a man she wants. however, it's just a game. hehe


sarNie Elites
hey here's the exact guest list for tomorrow! :w000t:


sorry no cap for girls... i got that cap from SHCJ :sweat:

yoon jung soo
shin jung hwan - i'm sooo happy!!!
kim jong min - perfect for SJH! lol
tony - isn't his FIRST TIME or what?
tim - romantic!
choi shi won - cute but is taken by thoyting! hehe
jo kye hyung
seo jeh gyung
dong heh
bada - she's awesome and very direct chick, too. :eek:
park jung ah - another chick that grew on me.
hwan jung eum - she's hot!
soojin - urghh no comment

the list is pretty good especially ShinMin! :D


1TYM hwaiting!
I just skipped through the LQ version of the new one and OMG Lee Donghae is so fine!!! He was one of the reason why I wanted to watch it and I think it is Tony's first time on LL. Hahaha, I felt bad for Choi Shiwon though...I guess all the spots for the YES section was filled so he had to join the rejects in the NO section (along with Shin Jung Hwan and Kim Jong Min :lol:). I can't wait for subs for this one to come out! The new games should be much more refreshing :D


kitkat said:
sisii, i didn't see you around this thread and xman thread much so you really a fan of both shows? hehe
yes yes I'm a fan :D Ever since the first time FTTS guest star in LL and Eun Hye in Xman hehe