School Advice For Cousin


Staff member
My cousin Joey was thinking about going back to school and I seriously feel stupid because I was trying to help him out but seems I am slow..

Ok Joey graduated high school and went to a university for 2 years but had really bad grades because he had some family problems and he was off track and depressed at times so he did really bad and flunked out I guess..

now he wants to go back to school and he wants to apply to one of the universities close to home.. I was wondering I guess will he stil be able to get aid? Will the university still accept him? Will he be able to get a 2nd chance?


Staff member
Thanks Genk, but one question that I had because I was helping him look over his application and since he failed almost all his classes he would still have to include that in his application right? I'm sure he does, but his girlfriend tells him that he doesn't have too. -.-"
he could retake his freshman and sophomore college courses and transfer those transcripts...yes, the original grades will show on the transcript, but if he retook the courses and does better, those new, better grades will also'll make a better impression...


I don't know about financial aid helping agian though, because I remember my niece's mom was in college once and became pregnant...she did really bad and flunked alot of her classes. 3 or 4 years later she wanted to go back and finish, but they wouldn't give her aid nomore due to what had happend before. But I think it all depends on the school and how forgiving they are with people's situations. Good Luck


he may not qualify for aid for the first semester, because he needs to maintain a certain GPA. if he brings his grades up, he'll eventually qualify. it doesn't hurt to apply though. it's free. :D

goodluck to him! there's always second chances. never be too chicken to make mistakes. b/c if you don't mistakes, you don't learn anything. let him know. ^_^

if money is an issue, he can take less classes. maybe also consider CLEP exams, if his school accepts them.