Run's pretty... but gosh... she's stiff in acting. she does look a barbie. haha.
What!? there's a willing scene in the forrest?! gasps...
Is that all you can think of? LMAO
I've watched Ep. 1 and the beginning of Ep. 2 on wishy's channel ... it is rather depressing for me too so I haven't continued yet. I might continue one day.
I am going to continue after the holiday. It will definitely ruin my mood for the holiday break. Hehehehe!!!
Lol you know what you do watch one episode of Jai Rao then follow with one episode of Seu Ruk Chuck Yai Olaworn after -.-" thats how i do it.
I should do that but it will be tiring, spend one day laughing my ass off and then the next day cry my eyes out. That would drain all my energy away, I need energy for my break. I am supposedly relaxing but all my friends are back home from college, been 2 years, have a lot to catch up on. Hehehehe!!!
LMAO when Win came back, he meow her. And gotten scared when Dream woke up and asked him did he eat yet or should he showered first. LMAO his expression there are freaking damn hilarious. It's funny how he didn't play along, he was so scared of her. LMAO
Episode 13 is so hilarious, toward the end of episode 12 when Teenai was crying, I was a little teary. Thank goodness. I am half way done with 13. I was laughing when Win tied Cindy up. Hahahaha!!! He could have made me satisfied if he had hurted her a little but he didn't. Geez Linny and Cindy are so damn annoying.