share true real life love story


sarNie Egg
I'm sorry guys for going off the topic... and letting little things get to me... PROMISE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN.

Anyhow my story ended, no point of talking about it anymore.... I'm just thankful that I got to experience it once...

Like they say... If we're luck enough we'll be able to experience love at least once in our life time.. and I'm thankful that i was lucky enough to experience it ... and I thank him for it...


sarNie Hatchling
I find is so funny, how some Hmong people always find it better to blame others for their problems, just to make them feel good about themselves.

I find it ridiculous that you guys are still bitching about Wang after his death. I mean for gods sake the boy is dead, anything you say now or in the future aren’t gonna change that.

Even though I don’t know you guys and the real story behind the sister and sister in law hating each other. I could sense whose story is true and who’s is false. Yeah it’s true that there are always two sides to a story, but by the way this looks, it’s like one side it out to prove the other side is false, but in the end, we know what the truth is and that is Wang loved both his family and Pa.

I don’t know why people like you guys (TRUE and AzuGurl84) have so much time on your hands to sign up for a forum just to comment on Pa’s post. I would think after Wang’s death you wouldn’t want anything to do with her, just the same way she doesn’t want with you guys. But I guess you guys must really want her to be a part of your life, since you guys can’t move on and do better things, besides stalking Pa in every shape and form to start shit (mind my language).

if you two (TRUE and AzuGurl84) your brother as much as you claim...why the hell are you demeaning his memory this way? know what the true story is...Pa knows what the true story is...your family and Pa's family knows what the true story is...and your brother knows what the true that's he gone...he's not able to clear things up...because both sides of the family are just going to go back and forth saying "i'm right, you're wrong"...that's not going to help anyone or you really think your brother's happy right knowing that his two families are fighting over an issue that's pretty much irrelevant and dead...the issue should stay dead...fighting back and that really going to make you feel better?...and more it going to bring your brother back? can't always win in every suggestion is to pick those that are worth your time and energy

paj sua yaj

sarNie Egg
amaymoua said:
I'm sorry guys for going off the topic... and letting little things get to me...  PROMISE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN.

Anyhow my story ended, no point of talking about it anymore.... I'm just thankful that I got to experience it once... 

Like they say... If we're luck enough we'll be able to experience love at least once in our life time.. and I'm thankful that i was lucky enough to experience it ... and I thank him for it...
hey i am sorry to hear your story......hope the best for you...i know that in this world their is always things happening.....wish you the BEST......
sorry out of topic a little...but i was just statring to watch this movie called to OUTSIDER....and its a taiwanese serie....but dubb in get to the point....the girl in the stroy most have to same story line like yours tooo.......sorry i know that you are in pain i think that you should watch this get an idea of life and to be strong in the girl.......i am sorry for what happen to you and i think that by watching this movie i hope you would understant......i don't no what to say to you does always end up happy but you can always...make it better......
PAJSUA YAJ:request you to watch the movie: the outsider ( i can't remermber the hmong tiltle but i will get back to you soon) almost like your life....i hope you will feel better from watching this movie........ :wavecry:


sarNie Egg
I saw the series on youtube.. but just got to esp. 3... I read the summary .. and I was like damn.. sad story... so i'm not too sure if I'll finish it or not, because of what happened to the girl and the ending... but it's a good movie... just hella depressing...



wow i was hella bored and decided to read this forum and one caught my attention.... and all i gotta say is True you are extremely pathetic.. so pathetic that you ruin all the good hmong's name.. do you really really hate your brother THAT much? the guy is dead, let his love one remember him in a good light, tell his story in a good light.... just because this is an internet forum where strangers come together to share opinions and story doesnt mean some of these people dont know each other personally and know the truth vs the lies... and whether your story and amaymou's story is true or false, it doesnt matter, the only thing that matter is the good memories... for you to just come into this forum to personally go after her makes you really sad...

lay the bad memories to rest, it'll make your life a little bit better.. i mean i know personalities cant be change but it can be improved a little..


sarNie Adult
natty said:
lay the bad memories to rest, it'll make your life a little bit better.. i mean i know personalities cant be change but it can be improved a little..

I am not going to take side here...but let me tell you that a lot of people tend to forget the good memories in others....and most often they let the bad ones overshadow those good ones...

For Wang's short life,,,,both girls and families should focus on the good memories and dwell on that...otherwise you will become very angry all your life...It is hard to forgive and forget especially such as this...but like I said before only time and God can make it more bearable...Believe me,,,it is hard...but let one another go and get healed...


anti-hmong said:
I find is so funny, how some Hmong people always find it better to blame others for their problems, just to make them feel good about themselves.

I find it ridiculous that you guys are still bitching about Wang after his death. I mean for gods sake the boy is dead, anything you say now or in the future aren’t gonna change that.

Even though I don’t know you guys and the real story behind the sister and sister in law hating each other. I could sense whose story is true and who’s is false. Yeah it’s true that there are always two sides to a story, but by the way this looks, it’s like one side it out to prove the other side is false, but in the end, we know what the truth is and that is Wang loved both his family and Pa.

I don’t know why people like you guys (TRUE and AzuGurl84) have so much time on your hands to sign up for a forum just to comment on Pa’s post. I would think after Wang’s death you wouldn’t want anything to do with her, just the same way she doesn’t want with you guys. But I guess you guys must really want her to be a part of your life, since you guys can’t move on and do better things, besides stalking Pa in every shape and form to start shit (mind my language).

if you two (TRUE and AzuGurl84) your brother as much as you claim...why the hell are you demeaning his memory this way? know what the true story is...Pa knows what the true story is...your family and Pa's family knows what the true story is...and your brother knows what the true that's he gone...he's not able to clear things up...because both sides of the family are just going to go back and forth saying "i'm right, you're wrong"...that's not going to help anyone or you really think your brother's happy right knowing that his two families are fighting over an issue that's pretty much irrelevant and dead...the issue should stay dead...fighting back and that really going to make you feel better?...and more it going to bring your brother back? can't always win in every suggestion is to pick those that are worth your time and energy

I do agree w/you.... blaming eachother is not going to hlep anything...
it cant bring back Wang.... and argument isnt going to hlep either....
I think we should learnd form this mistake and make life better.....
Lossing a love one is hard but... at lest Wang is in a good places...
Think about it.....


sarNie Adult
uh... amaymoua....

you said that no one will know the real him? so you are saying that you knew him best?

so... maybe i should remind you that no one will ever know anyone best if they're not part of the "real" family... blood family i should say..

i just think that you shouldn't say that no one will know the real him...


um.. i beg to differ nkaujhmooblauj..

even your blood family may not know the "real" you.. people can only know the real you when you are real to them... just cus one is family doesnt mean one know everything about you..

like my boyfriend's mom often say to me that only i know what is deep inside his heart..the real him because she believe that i'm the only one he reveal his true feelings too.. but that doesnt mean she doesnt love him or he doesnt love her any less...

does your father know every inch of you? probably not.. does your mom know every secrets you harbor? probably not.. and if you are sexually active.. does your family know everything about it? probably not.. so how can you say only blood related would know the real self? or as you put it "real" family..

what makes a family?

Family: a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head

so even if you are not related by blood does not mean you are not "real" family.. cus if your definition of a real family consist of only blood related then all those foster and adopted children doesnt have a real family.. and people who married each other are not real family...

need i go on?


sarNie Hatchling
nkaujhmooblauj said:
uh... amaymoua....

you said that no one will know the real him? so you are saying that you knew him best?

so... maybe i should remind you that no one will ever know anyone best if they're not part of the "real" family... blood family i should say..

i just think that you shouldn't say that no one will know the real him...
umm, i tried to avoid the previous post dealing with amaymoua's love story, but this post i just had to post my comment.

i have to agree with natty, i mean they always say, blood is thicker then water,do i agree with that, but it depends, so i guess people who barely talk to each other in years even though they are blood related, must know each other more then those who are together and are non-blood related.

"Real family", please define that for me cause i sure wanna know what a "REAL FAMILY' besides you stating it being blood related.

I guess all my cousins who are related one way or another by blood with my family who i've never met, must knows me better than my best friend.


sarNie Egg
rukmos said:
One time while my sisters, my mother, and I were hanging out in the yard, we talked about our love life and things like that. My mother revealed to us that she had a childhood friend and their relationship grew into love. When they were only fifteen years old, he got really sick and died a few days later. That night, he came to my mom and told her not to worry about her future because he's going to take care of my mother for the rest of her life and never let anyone hurt her. A few years later, my mom met my father at the New Year and they got married. My parents are still together and my father loves my mother very much. He never yells at her or hit her like other guys do. My mother believes that her childhood love lead my father to my mother because my father was the one for her. :wub: I hope that someday when I marry, I'll find a guy that'll love me and spoil me like my father does for my mother.
wow nice story going there. well do you any more story.. i just love reading other people stories... wish my love story will be good like that too, in the future....


sarNie Egg
YM_gurl said:
It's been boring in here lately.. no new topic.. so i got one..
Anybody know any true-real life love story...?? I know everyone does.. so let's share them.. it can be sad or happy ones... lets just share them.. :)

This love story have been post in here already but for people who haven't been to that forum...

*This happened in Laos, about a year ago..btw, these couples are singers.. the guy happen to go and see his g/f this one night after this one wedding he went to..his cousins told him not to go since it was late already but he wanted to go anyways..( Love doesn't stop you from doing anything) Anyways, in laos.. they don't have lights.. so he was driving his motocycle.. he crashed into this one.. 3 wheel car thing and flew off his motorcycle and died instantly... after the girl's b/f died.. she had a new album out.. which her b/f & her was supposed to sing together but than he passed away.. even better, her b/f's older brother finished the album with her...

**I don't know if you guys heard this one but it happened about ten years ago..there was this one couple who were in highschool when they were dating.. at the end of senior year, they promised eachother to go to the same college and graduate together and then get married.. Things did not go the way they planned. The guy had a brain tumor or something..i'm not sure what it was but it had something to do with his brain.. & i wasn't sure if the girl knew about her b/f illness but than one day at school.
He told his g/f to hold his books for him.. As she took his book, he fell on the ground... What happen, was he passed out. He passed away..right there.. :wavecry: His g/f was really sad due to their promise they made..but than one thing she did for him.. even if he was gone.. she kept her promise & attended the college they plan to go... her parents did not let her go but she went anyways because she said she made a promised and even if he was not there. She was going to keep her promise. Nowdays, she has become a successful person due to the promise she kept. :) Best luck to her & her husband.. she was my first cousin... :loool:

*** This is another real-life true story i want to share.. I'm sure everyone heard this one already or maybe not.. this one is sad and scary.. this story should teach parents not to ruin their kids relationship.. Some parents just never learn from movies until it really happens to them.. Err.. piss me off..
It happened last year 2005... the couples happens to be first cousins...
for some reason, the parents does not like eachother.. the kids are in love.. the parents don't approve... the couples promised eachother to died together if they can't be together.. the guy asked his parents he wanted to marry his g/f.. they said no.. He becomes stress and told his g/f for them to commit a suicide.. she back out.. and he hang himself in his room.. in his closet.. :wavecry: i don't know why he did that but that was not the only way out... anyways, before the guy's funeral..
Her girl's b/f will come at night and sleep with her and touch her.. her parents did everything to make her b/f go away.. by changing her name and all but he still finds her...
One month, after her b/f funeral.. the girl met a guy from MN and married him... why? do you want to know why? she's wasn't over her b/f but she was pregnant... She didn't want a bad name.. so she married a guy in MN.. when she married the guy in MN.. he started to noticed something about her.. her belly.. he knew it wasn't his..
I don't know who this guy she married to.. but his family don't like the girl... and the girl's b/f that passed away comes and tells her.. he's with her 24/7... The girl has already gave birth to her twins.. she had twins.. :wavecry: how sad.. huh? Anyways, she has twins.. and her husband right now does not love her.. However her parents or her baby daddy's parents told her to come back to California to live with them.. but she's scare cause her baby daddy said he's gonna come and take her with him since her husband doesn't love her.. I call this TRUe LOVe... There ain't a lot of guys out there that will truly love their g/f... this way..

Anybody got any to share with us? I got a few more.. will share again..
wow all your stories are really good especially the third one. is it really a true stroy???? how sad it is to, cuz im busy with school and just got the time to read it just now..... post some more in the future... maybe she should just go with her dead husband, which i count that they are, since she's pregnant by him... but think about the twins, they will be orphans if she is gone too, since their real daddy is gone.. hope next generations they will get together.... send mor4e storie next time...


sarNie Oldmaid
lovely_jenny said:
wow all your stories are really good especially the third one. is it really a true stroy???? how sad it is to, cuz im busy with school and just got the time to read it just now..... post some more in the future... maybe she should just go with her dead husband, which i count that they are, since she's pregnant by him... but think about the twins, they will be orphans if she is gone too, since their real daddy is gone.. hope next generations they will get together.... send mor4e storie next time...
yes, the third story is true... :) very sad...huh.. :(


sarNie Egg
amaymoua said:
I'm glad to hear the happy love stories... that's how it should be, but in this world it doesn't always have happy ending... Since of you all shared your stories or someone you knows storie... let me share mine too... this is a short version of my relationship.

It was a little over 6 years ago that I first met him. He name was Wang. Who knew that he'll become the love of my life.

After meeting him, I told my one of my friend that he's the person that I'll going to end up with for what I feel for him is something that I have never felt before. It wasn't love or anything but something about him that I was drown to him. Two weeks meeting him, he kissed me, which to this day, he claims that I kissed him first... according to my memory he did. After kissing me, I asked him " So what are we now? Friends or what?" He said " I really like you, so do you want to go out with me?" I was so happy that he asked properly, so I said "YES"

Three months later, during Fresno New Year, he asked me to married him. We went to his uncles house in and his uncle did the talking part and was going to send news to my parents that we were getting married. His uncle called his parents in southern california and told them the news... his dad didn't say much, but his mom said that if he married me, she's going to kill herself, just him wait and see. Wang begged and begged his father, uncle , and mother until his knees burised up but everyone said no, because they say all say that his mom was going to kill herself if he married me. He was so heart broken, his parents dragged him back to southern california and left me in Fresno with my cuzin. Upon returning to southern california he knew that he had to come back up for me, but my cuzin took me to Sacramento to cool off. Wang drove 10 hours to pick me back up and bring me back to my apartment in southern california.

Over the past few months, tried to hide our relationship from everyone because no one wanted us to be together. He'll wake up at 4 in the morning to come see me before he had to go to work and come straight back to my place before he had to go home. While working full time to support the both of us, he didn't have much time for school, so I did all his school work for him on top of mine. I didnt mind or care because he was the only person who was supporting me.

When it was income tax season came along, his parents screw him over $4500. They took the all the money and left him with nothing. He got audited by the IRS and needed to show proof that he's supporting his little brothers. All he needed was something that prove that he paid rent and he'll be clear of it, but his parents said no because they're scared to lose their stupid welfare money.. so His father straight out said that he didn't care if Wang got put in jail, he' won't give the rent reciept to him. Again, Wang was so heart broken, but he said that it comes to no suprise to him, for he knew how his parents were.

After that issue, his two sister stole my car and crashed it and his father told the insurance company that I gave his daughter the keys, I was so mad, but there was nothing I could do about it. I didn't want to press charges against his sister. My parents ended up handling everything... I really didn't know what happened afterward to the car.

Since I didn't have a car anymore, Wang bought me to live with them. For two monthes, I lived with them. I cooked for them everyday for two months straight, didn't even get a thank you. No matter what I did it was never good enough for them. Wang got feed up with them bashing on me, so he moved out. I wanted to moved in with my cuzin, but he said that if I don't leave with him to Sacramento, its over, so I was sacred of losing him, I left with him. On the way to Sacramento, Wang dropped by my parents house and told them that he'll be taking care of from now on and for them not to worry. My parents accepted it but was disappointed in me for leaving school for him.

We lived with his older sister for one months and didn't get along with her because she will never ask me to watch her kids... and wang gets mad at that... he told her that if she wants me to watch her kids... she should ask, so she got mad and said for me to get out her house, he told her that if I go, he goes too. They had a arguement and we left his sister house. That night we slept on the streets in his car because it was too late to go anywhere and pluse he had to work the next morning. We parked in construction site near his work place. I couldn't sleep because i was so scared, I watched him sleep, I felt so bad because it was because of me that we were homeless. The next morning, we went to the park to wash up and got breakfest at Mickey-D. He went to work and went to the Library. That night he decided to go stay at his sister's ex-husband house which was like 1 hour away.. in Oroville. There we stayed for one months, and after that stayed with this cuzin in Oroville for one month too.

After two months being homeless, we found a little house in Marysville for $400. It was just a one bedroom cottage, you can call it... smaller that a two car garadge, but at least we had a place called home. But the nite before that, we went to his ex- brother-in-law's house and asked to stay there for the nite, but we were rejected. He was so mad and heart broken because all the time he helped him, and just one nite his ex - brother-in-law wouldn't allow it. I told him that lets just go fishing and wait until the nexy morning, since we were getting the house already at 9 in the morning. We went fishing by the river bottom but than it got cold and we slept in the car by the water. I couldn't sleep because I felt so bad for him, for everything he's doing and what he was going through was to be with each other only.

After the next few months, everything started to fall into place... even though our house wasn't all the big, at least we weren't homeless anymore. We were happy with our little house. We took his younger sister and boyfriend in and things didn't work out and they moved out. That story I will tell another time. Wang finally found bigger house in Yuba City. After moving to Yuba City, we paid my paid my parents for the wedding. We now were just waiting to eat.

For two and a half years living in Yuba City, we were happy, we didn't have any contact with his family. He got close to my family, he always said that they were his family too. He was happy that he got a new family.

One day all of sudden, one of his guy friends said Why did he want to be tie down at such a young age. there are many many fish out in the ocean, why did he stop fishing. He started to think and changed after that. He met new people, and started to rethink everything, he said he was lost, because all of his friends was single and out partying all the time and junk and all he did was stayed home with me. He started to change into someone I didn't know anymore. I know that he felt lost and he thought he was too young to settle down, so he cheated on me.

After finding out, I couldn't handle it and left him. Even though I left him, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I knew that who him became was no the real him, for I know the real him for I've been living with him for 5 years and who he has become isn't him. I wanted to help him so much that I went back to him... told him that I'm not going to stop him from doing what he wants, because if it made him happy I'm happy because I loved him enough to let him go.

2 and a half months passed, and he finally realize that what he did was wrong and came to me and said sorry. He found out how the other girl really was and how she really was. He said that he was sorry that he let go the best thing that happened to him and now he feels that he did't deserve me anymore. Even through all the pain that he caused me, I never left his side, I always supported him even though it was killing me. He said that he's so sorry and don't know how he'll have forgive himself more how could I ever forgive him. I was never mad to angry at him for doing what he did for I knew that it wasn't him.

Yes I forgave him and we got back together... he asked me for a baby and I said yes.. for I know that's what' he wanted more than anything in the world. But first I had to go check up to make sure that everything was ok before anything was to happen.

We were both so happy that we're finally gonna have a family of our own... well atleast try to start anyhow.

Three days after Valentine - he hugged me really hard and said that he loved me so much and he hoped that I knew that. I said yes I know and why was he saying that to me.. usually I'm the one who says it to him first why that nite did he say that to me. That was the last word I ever got to hear from him.. Shorty after 20 minutes of him sayin that to me, he was murdered for no reason at all.

At the hospital, at first his family refuse to let me see him but at the end I got to see him.. They wanted to pull the plug on him after two hours, and they said that I was being selfish for letting him stay like that. Big drama happened at the hospital and my cuzin had to take me home. I came right back after an hour, and never left his side until his heart stopped beating. The doctors didn't even try to help him, they just let him dy because his family said not to help him if his heart stop for them not to. I couldn't handle that it was happening to me and wang. We just finally got back out life and now this.. I couldn't accept it... I kinda went into a crazy stage.

The nite he passed away, I dreamt that he asked me to let him go and I said no, for I couldn't. I still can't. Everyday for two weeks after he passed, I dreamt about him every night. He'll come to me and hold me right tight and said that he loves me and misses me. Just too bad in my dream I don't realize that he's gone. On the 14th day after he passed I dreamt that we had a kid and he was with it and he was happy. He was smiling. I still have dream about Wang off and no after that but nothing with such impact as the first two week.

About a month afterward, my brother got into a car accident and lmost died... all my brother remember was seeing Wang and he want to following him, but Wang said for my brother to go back and my brother turn around and saw his friend dragging his body out of the car and he woke up. SO to me, Wang saved my brother, for he's looking over my brother and I'm so greatful for that.

After he passed away, his family tried to take everything away from me because they said it was their son and they are entittle to it. I was too tired to fight with them, so I let them. I wasn't stable enough to make any kind of decesion for I was going crazy over the lost of him. The nightmare still going on till this day. When will it end I ask myself everyday.

I know and I feel that Wang and I are meant to be, no matter how many life time, I know that we're going to be together somehow. Jus that in this life time, it was cut short. No matter what, I'm very grateful that I was able to met him and fall in love with him and half way marry him. No matter what had happend, I have no regret what so ever.

I just wanted to share my story with you all , so the story of me and my love Wang will always be remember and to prove that true love does exist.

All I have to say is that always remember that tomorrow is not promise to us, make today count. Like Wang always said " Live today as if there's no tomorrow" and I hope that he did.

I only hope that he knows that he didn't leave this world unloved, for he might of been just somebody to the world, but he was the world to me and I loved and still love him with all my heart and soul, even if there's no more me, I'll still love him. I have faith that I'll find him again someday, even if it's not this life time, I'll never give up on him, for I know that we're meant to be and we're soul mate, no matter what anyone says. I know I sound kinda crazy to some of you but it's what makes me wake up every morning, the thought that I'll see him again no matter how long it may be.
wow your story really did touch my heart. hope things are not going so bad on you...and wish you that nomatter how many generations, you guys will be together whether living or dead.......


sarNie Egg
anjos said:
Well Here is my love story..... When I was a freshem in hight school I fall in love with this guy.... he is very cute... nice and smart..... We star to date right after school star.... We had almost very clasess together...
It was good to get the see him everyday at school and all... We was very much in love than it new year in Freson and things happen.....
There a guy(name P) who are relate to my sister's husband. He came and stay w/them for the new year.... When I saw him I didnot think of anything... because I had my own right but guys.... they dont think like that!!!! So new year come and my sisters and I we went to the new year... I expacte to see my boyfriends and be w/him... but my older sister the one whom marry keep on telling me to toss ball w/him (p) so I did to be kind.
I hear they said that he like my older sister so I was glad because she never had a boyfriend before.... Than after the new year he (P) went home... He kept on calling to talk to me which I dont understand because I thought he like my sister but why talk to me so I always give the phone to her.... I didnt think much of it
On valentine he (P) sent me some flowers, shrits and things... I didnt know who it form... I cant remember than he (P) call and said "did you get the flower?" I answer yes... Then he tell me that it was from him!!!
It kind of old to me that why does he send flower to me but not too my sister.... But I didnt think much of it!!! So I let it go....
But then one day he call and tell me he love me and want to merry me!! I told him i dont want to because I was still to young to get merry. He told me he's going to come down on spring break and merry me!! I told him I wont merry him.. I told my parents about it buy they was ok w/him because my sister(the one that merry) state that his a nice guy and can support me!! So my parents didnt said anything much!!
Before spring break I kind of said something to my boyfreind like what would he do if there someone else want to merry me??? He state that he would took me ran away!!! But I didnt want too because we was still too young!! So I just didnt said anything more!!! Because I thought I could get out this problem by myselft buy I was wrong. I got merry w/him (P) which is my husband right now for 7 years.... now ...still going storng.... which is I never like or love him before but like old people said you will learnd to love him when you stay or got married...
I felt very bad that I didnt tell my ex- the whole things...
you know something you wouder what it like if you made a differents discision..... oh.... I do love my husband now..... and for my ex--- he just got married 2 years old.......
woow. im really replying to lots of stories today.. but i guess once you marry you just have to learn to love him later and it's better to love and stay with the one that loves you and not the one that doesnt love you but only you love him. so how old were you when you marry your husband?and how old was he when you guys married?


sarNie Egg
anti-hmong said:
I find is so funny, how some Hmong people always find it better to blame others for their problems, just to make them feel good about themselves.

I find it ridiculous that you guys are still bitching about Wang after his death. I mean for gods sake the boy is dead, anything you say now or in the future aren’t gonna change that.

Even though I don’t know you guys and the real story behind the sister and sister in law hating each other. I could sense whose story is true and who’s is false. Yeah it’s true that there are always two sides to a story, but by the way this looks, it’s like one side it out to prove the other side is false, but in the end, we know what the truth is and that is Wang loved both his family and Pa.

I don’t know why people like you guys (TRUE and AzuGurl84) have so much time on your hands to sign up for a forum just to comment on Pa’s post. I would think after Wang’s death you wouldn’t want anything to do with her, just the same way she doesn’t want with you guys. But I guess you guys must really want her to be a part of your life, since you guys can’t move on and do better things, besides stalking Pa in every shape and form to start shit (mind my language).

if you two (TRUE and AzuGurl84) your brother as much as you claim...why the hell are you demeaning his memory this way? know what the true story is...Pa knows what the true story is...your family and Pa's family knows what the true story is...and your brother knows what the true that's he gone...he's not able to clear things up...because both sides of the family are just going to go back and forth saying "i'm right, you're wrong"...that's not going to help anyone or you really think your brother's happy right knowing that his two families are fighting over an issue that's pretty much irrelevant and dead...the issue should stay dead...fighting back and that really going to make you feel better?...and more it going to bring your brother back? can't always win in every suggestion is to pick those that are worth your time and energy
IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE STORY..Mind ur own business...We don't have time to come on here and stalk her ugly azz n talk Smack..We're just pointing out our side of the story and if u can't face the fact then i suggest u stay out of it. No, fighting back n forth doesn't make us feel better..But pointing out the truth does..Yeah, she may have her story but we have ours too. I'm not here to talk smack about her..I careless n FYI.....We didn't stalk her..Some people who knows this fake azz girl told us that she comes on this site..Isn't it funny how people who don't even know her..Know about Wang n her story....Well first of all. Lets just say that her story must be too unbelievable to be true because if it was as true as what she posted on here...I don't think any of the family would have a different side to the story. Also, we're not here to try to win..We're just here on our freewill to say what we want to say and if you have a problem.. I suggest you go elsewhere to so don't u dare coming on here acting like you know so much lol..You're just going to make a fool out of yourself....


sarNie Egg
All I have to say is that everyone has their own love story... what I shared was mine... so don't hate because you have no love life... you know who are you...

And too everyone else reading this... sorry for all the trouble my story has couse up in here.. I didn't know that stupid people with no life will come up on here and talk smack.... Sorry again...

Lets all just move on with the next story... mine is too much drama


sarNie Egg
slee00 said:
Wow... can we keep this thread a "true love story?"

No offense but I believe what I am reading is a "love/hate" thread...

If you want to continue expressing your hate and anger toward one another....make another thread...others may not be comfortable reading this....Thank you in advance...
yes I agree with you too. this has got to stop, the one who is dead is already dead, and even though we may think that he doesn't hear us, he is always there, so just let it cool and think the best of what he wants on both sides, cus this cant go on like this....sorry it feels like im into you guys business, but im thinking of the best...on both sides even if you hat eeach other so much, just dont keep talking behind each others back.... you guys know wang wont like it........


ThE GrEaT gReAt LyNn!!
dang! story, come this and that.....or what so ever.....=).....everybody nice.... :)


lovely_jenny said:
woow. im really replying to lots of stories today.. but i guess once you marry you just have to learn to love him later and it's better to love and stay with the one that loves you and not the one that doesnt love you but only you love him. so how old were you when you marry your husband?and how old was he when you guys married?

I was just 14 when I married him and he was 25 years old.... We are 10 years apart.... I dont belive in divorces so I"m stuck w/him....till death do us apart... I'm not saying this because I dont love him.... but I saying this because marry life is hard.... no one would know till they got only advices to single girl is stay single as long as you can
do all of the things that you want to do before you get marry... enjoy
your signle life.... you know your parents love you more then anyone else so.... stay w/them for as long as you can.... I know this form my