I think I am one of the biggest scaredy cats in the world. hah.
I wont even take a walk in the forest/woods with just me or another person, it has to be a crowd. And I mean huge crowd! ^_^ I am a firm believer in ghosts and the supernaturals, I take them seriosly. Here are some encounters or stories I've heard:
1. My family used to live in this trailer way back when I was in elementary school up until junior high. We have a fairly large family (five kids + parents + grandma and uncle) so my dad made some renovations and added an extra living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. We lived in Alaska at the time, where the sun almost never goes down in the summer, except for an hour or two. Just a little background information. hah. Anyway, This happened in the summer time. I remember one night the family was watching tv. I was lying on the couch with a blanket over me and fell asleep. So they left me there when they all went to bed. Around 6 in the morning I woke up. I was facing the back of the couch and we have a clock above the couch. I lay there for a few seconds (I was wide awake now) before I turned over to my other side. When I did, I was staring face to face with this blonde/light brown hair lady. She was kneeling down beside me, just looking at me. I got really freaked out and quickly pulled the blanket over my head. That was the only thing I can think of. I was so scared she was gonna yank the blanket away from me, so I counted to ten, clutched the blanket tightly in my hands, and bolted for my parents room. I didn't tell anyone what happened. A few years later we moved out of the trailer and I finally told my mom about it. She told us she believed the trailer is haunted and said that when we first moved into the trailer, the first night there, she had a dream where a man and a woman came to her and asked her if they can stay. My mom told them it's fine as long as there's room because we have a fairly large family and then the couple left. My mom believed that because she didn't say no when they asked, that was why nothing bad has ever happened to us. She also said that on nights when my dad was working late and my mom was lying in bed, she can feel someone laying next to her.
2. We used to live in a four-plex that we owned. One night, I went to sleep on my little sister's bed (I was watching tv) in my parents room. Her bed is a queen size bed so my parents didn't bother waking me up that night to sleep in my own room. Early in the morning, I woke up to pull the covers up to my chest because they have fallen. I was already tossing and turning since it was pretty hot that morning so I was pretty much wide awake. I tugged at it a bit but the covers barely moved so I sat up and pulled hard and got it to move. At that moment, I looked up and at the foot of the bed, I saw what looked like a short person in a hooded black cape with it's back facing me. I got freaked out and lay back down as fast as I could and pulled the covers over my head. I waited a few seconds and then peekd over to see if it was gone. It was still there but this time it looked like it's head was turned a little bit. So I covered my head again and closed my eyes tightly and refused to take my head out the rest of the night. When I got up that morning, I checked the door to see if anyone has placed a coat or jacket on the door knob but there was none and also asked my siblings as well, which was a no. I asked my dad later that day when he came home from work if he had placed a jacket or coat on the door knob last night and took it with him when he went to work, he said no as well. So I told my mom what happened. Of course she tried to make me feel better by telling me what I already knew, that someone had placed a coat or jacket on the door knob. My little sister asked me why I didn't wake her up because she was lying right next to me, but I was so scared at that moment that it didn't even occur to me.
3. This happened to my older brother. It has just been a few days after one of his friends have died. My brother was in his room with his then girlfriend and my little brother. He was sleeping while his girlfriend and my little brother were cleaning the room. He was paying my little brother for it. hah.
My little brother and his girlfriend said that out of nowhere, my older brother woke up, but he was staring at the foot of the bed at the door with a strange expression on his face, mouth slightly opened. His girlfriend thought he was looking at her, because she was by the door, so she kept on asking him what was wrong. They finally snapped him out of it and he told them that he saw a person standing by the table that was by the door. He said he was trying so hard to lift up his hands and point, and he was trying to yell at his girlfriend, but nothing came out. There's been a few instances just like this one so my mom finally took him to see one of those ppl who knows how to get rid of evil spirits etc.
4. This is a story from my mom. This was way back when she was a little girl and still living in Thailand. My mom was at my great grandma's house (her grandma) oneday. From the corner of her eye, my mom saw someone peeking into the house, like they wanted to come in but couldn't, so she looked to see who it was. It was my great grandma's daughter. When my mom told my great grandma, she got freaked out. Her daughter had recently passed away from an illness. So she took my mom over to a friend's house because she got scared.
The other day I was holding my daughter, who had just turned a month. I was sitting on my bed with my knees pulled up towards me and she was lying in my arms that was lying on my knees. We were pretty much face to face. I was watching her as she slept. Suddenly, she jerked forward, made a "rawr" like sound, and gave me the ugliest and scariest face. She literally scared me. I was actually afraid of her for a split second. Now, whenever she's sleeping and I'm staring at her, I keep thinking she's gonna do that again, because she know's I'm watching. lol.