ijigg.com is my new fave website haha...most of the time you can d/l it ^_^
you just have to be a member there!
Just wondering how you download from Imeem..is there some kind of program required? I know for youtube I use vixy.net..I've tried to dl from Imeem but it has never worked.i rarely listen to the radio, b/c i dislike commercials and fluff talk. most of the time, i d/l from buddie media and learn about new artists i like that way. sometimes i'll listen to the radio here, too, but only when i'm at home.
if i know there's a specific song & artist i like, i'll usually d/l from esnips, then imeem or youtube (i don't care for the videos. i take the music that accompanies them )
you can only download song that the user allows you tothankx! this is the shit haha
how do you download songs from it? i already registered but i don't see the download song button