natty said:
gosh it was just an opinion that i gave bluemoon.. you yourself as well as everyone in this forum and other give their negative opinions about other stars too.. it's just that when our own fav is bashed or comment on we get so overly sensitive about it.. i sometime get that way when people go into other forums and bash aum but in spicy they suck up... it's normal
also i do believe that discussions and comparisons on award winners are not old and a little annoying.. awards are a compliment then i'm sure everyone including kob aom noon and even the nang'rai such as may and oh would love to get.. and i'm pretty darn sure their fans cheer for them to get too.. i mean some even go all out mad that they didnt get it... am i right? also it's very normal for someone who was given the title such as kob, thailand #1 nang'ek to be compared to those who won or other stars... just as other sexy nang'eks get compare to aum... you arent just given then title cus you are fav.. at least you shouldnt.. but you should be given the title cus you really are.. like i would never give aom the title sexiest or the best comedy nang'ek (to me she's not all that great in comedy)... so because kob was unfortunate or fortunate to be given that title.. then we all have to accept that it will bring critics and negative as well as positive comments, and even comparison...
we cant just all sit back and agree, claps our hands and go "bravo".. and if comments such as mine offend.. just think, vice versa...
anyways.. i just finish this lakorn.. i think this is one of num's best performance in a long while.. but the lakorn still lack alot of substance.. maybe because they tried so hard to look koreanish.. i guess thai forgot that it's their own style of lakorn that get everyone hooked..
Sorry gals for being off topic...

...but I guess it's not really since it was regarding Kob and her crying in DJP or any lakorns.
LOL...Natty I wasn't saying it to you...I was refering to an earlier statement here about someone asking about Kob's crying and her being compared to Aum and Noon...but if I wasn't remembering something or many things from other forums then I would be lying in that factor...But since my name was mention...
Well opinions were stated so I guess I stated one too...Or was it an opinion...? We all get offended by comments triggered towards our favorite stars...I mean can I not use you as an said so yourself that you use to dislike a certain actress because their fans were bashing on your favorite n' I assume you understand how it feels for others as well since you have firsthand experience....but when(opinions) something like this repeats in topics that doesn't even have that N'ek or P'ek as stars...I believe I have the rights to question and maybe feel a sense of annoyance...I am sure you know what I mean.
We are all humans...I don't usually take it to heart...unless it's the same comments over and over by the same people...and Oh I don't just defend all my favs without thinking, as stars change their attitudes I can't support them fully...I do see grades of gray...
Like I said when a name or referendum keeps popping up in topics that has no connection to that individual...I see it as more than just stating an opinion on a certain star...don't you agree...again and I'm not saying this to just Kob because some comments towards other stars for example on Aum annoyed me too but lately what she's said and done you can't really defend her. I do give my opinions on stars but I never ever bash them and usually if I don't like someone I just say I don't like him or her cuz for some reason I don't, I don't go into specific details...we are all entitle to that...
Anyways it's like how some people see someone as a great actor but yet I see them as an amateur yep I have to accept that people don't like who I like....but the thing with me is that I get along with fans of so many actresses regardless of them likeing my favs or not...because they may not like who I like but I don't see them doing what some do....but again back to the previous comments...I don't see it as just stating an opinion when their name is mention in topics that doesn't pertain to them many times...sometimes I feel some comments are harsh...same as I feel about the name calling on Aum at this moment or any other stars...but yeah I guess some people feel the need to go extreme on how they feel about certain stars...mostly those who express don't see it...whereas others do. Again opinions are opinions it should be respected...but then it's not what's being said's how it's said...but if one feels that it's more than just an opinion then he/she have the right to state that as well...but would you call some an "Opinion" though?
I'm pretty sure fans will cheer for their stars to be #1 or win any awards out there regardless if they deserve it or's normal for fans to think their stars are Best of the Best...and if comments like "She's the best", "No one is better than her", "She's gorgeous"...annoys anyone then I feel that person do not understand the love that a hardcore fan has for their star....I mean I see it all the time in Kob's fan...Aom's fan(you Natty should know this one...since you're friends with Aom's fan as well as one), Anne's fan...I don't see it much in other fans like Aum, Noon, Janie, Joy, etc. I've only seen hardcore comments by hardcore fans of these actresses...and I'm sure I can mention them here in this discussion since the path is going towards Fans loveing who they love and wanting them to win regardless if they deserve to or not....and yes fans do get upset when their favs don't win regardless if they are Kob's fan, or fans of a certain other stars if you visit lots of forum or know some hardcore fans...and from that statement I should ask you that question am I right?'s a normal thing....people change their opinions all the time too...those who stress class one day but later stress sexy... I mean it's all good to know that people can change their opinion with trends and fad or what's hot at the moment....because we need these type of people in order for the world to evolve...if the world was just black and white...then there would be no deviation or let's use Gray.
As for those who don't feel that Kob deserve that title it's your opinion and it's can disect, do research on it, or contemplate over's your right as a living breathing human being...and yeah it's only an opinion right?
Sorry for such a long speech but I felt I had to at least explain myself when my name was mention...and Natty your comments 1st one, wasn't offensive...but for the second one I only replied because you mention me and you thought I was refering to you but nope I wasn't offended... But all in all everything is good because like I said I'm friends with fans of many stars regardless if they like or dislike who I like..I don't take things to the heart but I can get annoy....But yeah I might not agree with all your opinions on topics but I believe you are quite an intelligent lady. And I do like reading some of your strong opinions on things...and I'm being sincere here.