stigma against hmong guys


sarNie Adult
as we all know, there are racist stigmas and stereotypes about all kinds of beings everywhere and anywhere. but to narrow the topic down, it just seems like something that has come up all too often, or at least have crossed my path, that hmong guys make horrible husband because: 1) they're polygamous (which men out there isn't, at least in the head) and 2) abusive and mysoginistic (in my opinion, u don't have to be hmong to be like this). so how do most of u feel about this (ie. do u think this stigma holds some truth to it or totally false? and what has been ur experience with hmong guys?)? and if ur a hmong male urself, how do u respond to these types of stereotypes?


sarNie Hatchling
so are u asking about how i feel about these actions if done by a hmong guy or no??ehehe..i think its horrible...watever the guy other races there is alwayse some messed-up minded people out there who makes their people look honestly, i dont noe how to think of it..omg i feel confused i feel like i am taking another inclass essay test...ahaha ( i just did one the other day)...but i think not all hmong guys have more than 1 wife...not all, but a large amount and hey if they want to then thats their choice...if that was to happen to me i would rather die...NO! i would divorce...ahaha...but truthfully..i dont understand wat u are asking dfemc so im just blabbing away...ehehe