this is the end of my fanfic everyone. hope you guys like it. i'll try writing more next time. if i do i'll updated...
Chapter 31: Forever yours
Dans unhappy, reminiscence of his past, with donut, was suddenly, interrupted by the sound of his grandfathers persistent, coughing. Acting quickly, Dan pours a tall glass of warm water, for his grandfather, to relieve his distress. He suggests that his grandfather, rest & watch as he close his eyes peacefully. While his grandfather slept Dan, listen to the droning sound that was being emitted from the heart monitoring machine. The dull beeping reminded him of the sound he listens to day in & day out, in donuts hospital, room. It'd been nearly, a year, since they were separated, but to Dan, it felt as though it'd been an eternity. He realizes that today, was the first day, he'd fail, to visit her in the hospital, & long to be by her side. Back at the hospital, a training nurse & her trainee were making their rounds when they enter donuts private hospital, room. The training nurse, place her clipboard on a nearby, table & explain the required procedure when dealing with comatose patient. Once, she'd complete her instruction the training nurse ask, if her trainee, understood. Since the trainee, had been too, preoccupied with looking around the room she hadn't heard a single word. The training nurse, saw that she wasn't paying attention & scold, Stop looking around the room & pay attention to what I'm saying! Bowing, apologetically the trainee quickly, replied Im so, sorry. The room just took me by surprise. There must be a thousand, sunflowers in here. The training nurse, look around & conceded, I guess, it's a strange sight the first time, you step in here, but in time, youll get use to it. Curious, the trainee ask, Who's this patient, & why're there so, many sunflower, in her room? The training nurse replied, The patients name is donut manasanan punlerdwongsakul, shes been like that for nearly, a year. Her boyfriend, comes to visit her everyday, with a new bouquet of sunflower, & stays for at least, a couple of hour. The trainee, was intrigued by the information, & asks, What does he do here, for that many hours, if shes comatose? Contemplating the question, the training nurse replied, Some of the other nurse has overheard him talking to her about his day, or telling her about his family. Others have seen him comb her hair, message her limb, cut her nails & even just held her hands, silently. The trainee looks over at donut, & comment, Even if shes like that I still, think that shes very lucky. Hearing her remark, the training nurse said, We need to complete our rounds. Lets go. As they made their way, out of the room the trainee, look back at donut, once more & notice that there was sudden, rapid movement, with her eyes. She grabs the training nurse, & announces, We need to call a doctor, now! I saw rapid movement, with her eyes! The training nurse, quickly rush over to donut, & notice the movement, as well. She quickly, presses the button to summon a doctor, & within, a few minutes, the resident neurologist, enter the room & begin to look over donuts condition. Beam, arrive just in time, to see the commotion in donuts hospital, room & rush in. He was quickly, ushered out & told to wait, outside while the hospital, staff works. He watches anxiously, & worry, that donuts condition, had taken a turn for the worse. After nearly, twenty minutes, the doctor & several, nurses exit donuts room & were intercepted by beam, who inquired after her condition. The doctor, folded his arm & replied, Im happy, to inform you that shes suffer, very little cognitive damage which is quite miraculous, given the severity of her head trauma. Shes awake, but may experience a bout of blurred vision. However, this should resolve itself in a couple of weeks. You can go into visit her, now. Beam, hug the doctor, gratefully & rush into her room he was thrill to see her sitting up in her hospital, bed looking in his direction. Donuts eyes narrow as she ask, Dan, is that you? Beam, walk up closer, to her & replied, No, its me, p'beam. Looking at her happily, he continues, Youve finally, come back to us. Donut nodded, her head as tear, escape her eyes. She look around & could make out the dim image of the sunflower, that were sprawl out all across her room. She look back to beam, & ask, Why're there so, many sunflower, here? Beam smile & replied, Dan, brings them to you, everyday. He once, told me that you love the summer solstice, because its they day, you found his warm, family. Even though, you couldnt see it while you were sleeping, he wanted to bring you the warmth of the sun. These sunflower, serve that purpose. Donut, tear as she listens to beams words & asks, Where is he, now? I want to see him. Beam, slightly pause & said hesitantly, Grandfather Danuwong, is very ill. Hes back at the house taking care of him, now. Upon, hearing the news donut, move to get off her bed but was stop by beam, who advised her that she wasn't well, enough to leave the hospital. Frantic, donut replied, I've to go home. If you wont help me, Ill go on my own. Beam knew, that donut, would stop at nothing, to accomplish what she set her mind to & reluctantly, agree to take her to the danuwong house. He receives permission from her primary, doctor to leave the hospital, for a short period of time. The doctor noted that it was important, for her to return to the hospital, before the next morning, for further, observation. Beam promise that he would bring her back, shortly. On their way, to the danuwong house donut, couldn't sit still, as she was worry, about grandfather danuwong condition. Seeing her discomfort, beam drove as quickly, as was safety, possible. Beam, help donut, to the entrance of the danuwong house & knock on the door. The pair was greeted, by butler passin, who was shock, to see donut, still in her hospital, gown. Before butler passin, could properly, ask about her condition, donut rush by him & headed upstairs. Beam, quickly follow behind to ensure, that she was ok, & watch as she barged into grandfather danuwong bedroom. Startled, by the sound of the oak door, as they swung wide open Dans eyes grew wide upon, seeing donut, standing in the doorway. The two, lock eyes & look longingly, at one another before donut, broke away, from their gaze. She made her way, into the bedroom & took her place by Dans side. She quickly, grabs grandfather danuwong hand & call out to him. Grandfather Danuwong eyes fluttered open upon, hearing himself being call. He was amaze, to see donuts beautiful, face staring at him & ask, Is that you, donut? Is that really, you? Donut nodded her head as tear, gushes down her cheek & replied, Its me. Now, that Ive return you cant think of leaving me. Grandfather Danuwong sobs, as he heard her words & said, Since I've seen you, I can leave this world in peace. Donut, shook her head vehemently, & replied, But you cant leave. Dan hasnt proposed to me, yet. You havent witness, our wedding; you havent held our children, in your arms. If you leave now, Ill never forgive you. Grandfather Danuwong was astonish, by her words & resolutely replied, For you both, I'll continue to fight & do my best to stay here, to witness, your happiness. Donut smile, & wipe away, her tear, & proceed to hug grandfather danuwong, tightly thanking, him repeatedly. Feeling Dan, take her by the hand donut, release grandfather danuwong, from her grasps, to look over at him. She was shock, to see that he'd gotten down on one knee & held an open white velvet box with his other hand. Inside the box sat a beautiful, diamond ring which sparkles, brilliantly. Donuts eyes grew wide as she looks earnestly, at Dans tear, stain face. He took a deep breath & asks, Manasanan donut punlerdwongsakul, will you marry me? Stun, donut drop to her knee & align herself with Dans position, before replying, Yes, I'll. Dan, look over at his grandfathers smiling face, return the smile, & proceed to embrace donut, tightly. Knowing that the couple, would need time, alone grandfather danuwong call out, to beam, Beam, have you come to visit me?! Beam, immediately understood his intent, & replied, Yes, I've. I would like to visit with you by myself. Turning his attention, to the couple, on the floor he said, It would be nice, if you two, would leave us alone so, that I could visit with grandfather danuwong, in peace. Grateful, for the gesture Dan & donut smile, at beam & grandfather danuwong, & left him to beams care. Sitting alone in his bedroom Dan, look over her face lovingly, & ask, Are you really, here? Am I dreaming? Donut smile & replied, Im really, here. Dan, hugs her tightly, & said, Ill never let go of you, again. Tear, stream down her face as she listen to his gentle, tone & ask him, Is that why you carry my engagement, ring around with you, all the time? Dan chuckle, at her observation & replied, Of course. You may not know this but I even bring it with me when I shower, just in case. The couple laughs, happily at his comment, & thanks, the heaven, for letting them be together once, again. Grandfather Danuwong doctor, were amaze, by his incredible, recovery & figure that it was due, to his strong will to live. He corrects, them by saying that his recovery, was due, to the unwavering love he'd receive from his future, granddaughter-in-law. Grandfather Danuwong insists that Dan & donut, wed within, the next month, & instruct everyone to start working on their wedding, preparation. Within, two weeks, all of the wedding, preparation for Dan & donut's wedding, had been complete. The day of the wedding, quickly came as all of Dan & donuts family & friends, were in attendance. The wedding ceremony, was everything that donut, could've ever, dream of & for once, in her life she was proud, to be the center of attention. She noted to herself that Dan must've comment, on her beauty, more than a hundred times, that day, & was please, to see that he was becoming such an expressive partner. Donut was a little disappointed that AA & achara had missed the wedding ceremony. However, since AA & achara, had immigrated to Japan, for his career, she was relieve that they would at least, be able to attend the wedding, reception. Donut was thrill when she saw AA, achara & their beautiful, daughter arrive at the wedding reception. She & Dan greeted, them warmly, & noted how beautiful, their baby, daughter was. Achara ask her daughter, to say warm, wishes for the happiness of her god-parents, on their special day. Donut, look at her god-daughters beautiful, smile & said, Her lovely, smile is enough, blessing for me & Dan. Dan, look at donut, as she fawned over the baby, & thought to himself what a good, mother she would be one day. Later on that night, donut saw beam, arrive with his date & nudge, Dan. She smile & said, Look, its beam & his girlfriend. Dont you think they make a really, cute couple? Dan smile & replied, Yes, theyre very cute, but shouldnt you be more concern, with how cute, we're instead? Donut laughs at his comment & replied, Im cute. Youre just ok. Once, the wedding festivities had concluded, Dan led his wife, to their honeymoon suite, which was reserve in the same hotel, as their wedding reception. He sat on the bed waiting, anxiously for her to reappear from the bathroom & asked, Arent you done, yet? She bashfully, replied I need a little bit more time, to look good, for you. Dan smile, to himself & wonder, what she was doing. His eyes grew wide upon, seeing her exit the bathroom in a very small sleeping garment & said, If I know, you look like that under your clothes I would've ask you to marry, me sooner. Donut blushes, at his comment, & made her way, onto their bed. She quickly, covers herself & lays her head on his chest. As she listen to the beating of his heart she said, Your heart is beating so, fast. Are you as nervous, as me? He lifted her chin up so, that she could see his face & replied, Its not beating fast because, Im nervous. Its beating fast because, Im anxious. Donut, could feel her face redden, & quickly, look away. Her bashful, reaction cause Dan, to smile, as he tilt her face up once, more to gently, kiss her lips. Once, he'd broken away, from their kiss, he comment devilishly, Since we've so, many rooms in our house we should get to work on trying to fill them up with some kids. Donut, watch as Dan, move his eyebrow up & down suggestively, & playfully exclaim, Someone please, save me from this wolf, that Ive marry! Dan smile at her, cover them both up with the blanket & replied, Theres no, one who can save you, now. Youre forever, mine.
The end