NEVER!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha :lmao: :loool: :yahoo: :dude:when is this boran gonna end???

NEVER!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha :lmao: :loool: :yahoo: :dude:when is this boran gonna end???
true. but i wish not.It's not really him that gets the castle back lol..The god basically does everything..The dad brings the mom back in the castle and then they go out to look for Pra Sung...But anyways...It's a major drag...I bet you next Saturday it will be Lek fighting then Sunday Ton fighting..And which means we basically have to wait a whole week before seeing Nott fight with the god..Or maybe even longer..!!!
yeah. the reason why he left the castle was to find his mother. i would think after all this stuff that goes on with his wfie's fam, he'd want to fight the god and reveal himself and get going to help his mom. Geez, what kind of son just sit around being ignorant towards his in laws while his mother is being hunted? they need to just get to the point.agreed somehow in the middle they just forgot about his parent, it funnies how he missed his mom so much and ran away from the giant place two times, but when they get to rojana palace his forgot about his parent.
true. i love some of the other 6 in laws, but they're not the main characters and shouldn't have to be focused on for 20 minutes per episode.The story isn't lame...Dang BaBee...! You make it sound like it got no plot or point to the story lol..But anyways the lakorn was good at the beginning..But when he met the nang aek it started to suck because of the other 6 couples...If I were you..I would just watch the beginning parts but when those other people come in I would stop and just re-start again later when its close to ending...