Thanks na ka 
Awweee!! i do wish that its pinky!!!!! tooo!!! ::CROSS FINGERS::Aof+Pinky lovely wallpapers, made by abecheer & Pinky wallpaper by xiaolongsan,SBS fanclubs at pantip,looking at their pictures make me miss Sun+LiLy more :lmao:
For sure Aof will be having a new la korn on december for dara video, but don't know who is the nang aek though. pray it's Pinky.but there is a high chance it will be Pinky because her fans said she got reserve to play a new la korn with dara video toward the end of this year too. but then i'm afraid she may not accept it because she has plans to go film a movie at India next year and it may take up to 3-4 months in filming.well cross our finger nang aek with Aof is Pinky and she will accept the la korn.. all their fans are rooting and waiting anxiously hoping nang aek with Aof is Pinky.. gosh! i want december to come soon. :mellow:
HAHAHHA!!! Yeah i so strongly agree!! i hope she does that lakorn with Aof before she goes to india to film her movie.yeah i hope nang aek with Aof will be Pinky. want to see them play a new la korn together so bad. but then if they both got reserve to play a new la korn with dara video toward the end of this year then it should be the same la korn, but then things can always change.i want Pinky to play a new la korn with Aof first before she go to India.
Sun+LiLy so cute!