lakorn watcher
sarNie Adult
They should of paired Tle with Pinky and Aof with Som. I think it's a better match that way because Som and Aof both has that baby face look while Pinky and Tle has a more mature look.
i just finish reading the summary of this la korn from daravdo forums: it's so good. very interesting! i really want to see it. hope it air soon. pra aek and nang aek have this love/hate relationship. it's a revenge la korn. here is the summary:
Pinky play as a rich hi-so spoil snobish stubborn girl who just came from studying at America
name Latin aka Lizzy; Nu Toon, but really she is a lonely pitiful girl.
Aof play as Paran;Sun(name he use in nang aek's house) aka Tor, an x-cop. he is full of revenge & hatred.
Aof and Pinky know eachother since they were a kid & like eachother & bonded. they met eachother at the countryside when she went to visit her grandmother. he came and saw her crying. she was sad that her mom had died & her dad re married. he comfort her. take her to go see hing hoi.she call him P'Tor. He call her Nu Toon.before she has to leave to go back home to kreungtep because she was force by her step mom to go study at America. she gave him one of her earring (a water drop shape) to remember her by, said will come back for him to wear the other earring for her. and he gave her a music box(has the song memory in it) said when she's lonely listen to it & he will always be there by her side. they promise one day will come see eachother. many years pass, after he quit being a cop he came to be Pinky's bodyguard to get revenge at her dad & his mom(who is pinky's step-mom). the first time they met is when he went to pick her up at the airport. she was all sexy looking & came with an American blond-head guy & she was being all flirty to every guys,which make him dislike her. his plan is to hurt Pinky so it will make her dad and his mom suffer. first he thought Pinky was his mom real daughter but then he found out Pinky is actually his mom's step daughter.his mom left his dad and him and his younger sisterarndao(Som) when they were a kid and went to marry Pinky's dad because he's a rich man. so he hate his mom and Pinky's dad. he blame them for his dad's death & his sister bad health( she has leu·ke·mi·a) & poor living. his mom doesn't remember him. Pinky & his mom doesn't get a long. they hate eachother. even though he hated his mom but he can't stand it when he heard Pinky insult his mom so he goes and protect her, so it made Pinky mad & see him as her enemy.Pinky saw his mom hug him, his mom try to make him feel sorry for her & make him hate Pinky more. so Pinky think he and his mom are having an affair. she didn't tell her dad b/c he has a heart disease scare he will be in day she confronted & insulted him. he deny said it's not true. she won't believe him & make a bad smirk smile at him in an insulting way, so he got mad & pull her to kiss. she was so mad. he said if he wanted money he wouldn't get it from an old lady but rather get it from a young pretty girl like the daughter and get the full money even though she has a bad personality that he didn't think of taking as a wife. she hated him even more. there was this rich girl who like him name Duanemaysa that doesn't get a long with Pinky. they know eachother in America & had conflicts with eachother there. she can tell that Pinky and Aof like eachother so she was mad. but kept it inside. Pinky made fun of her say how can she like a low class guy like Aof. Duanemaysa said because you don't know the real him,i know him well & remember your word that you don't like him. Kongphob(Tawan) is a doctor, he secretly is in love with Pinky but she doesn't know. Pinky and her mom help him out when he's a kid. he use to be very poor. after his parents die he has no one so Pinky's mom take him to see her rich friend who take Tawan in & raise him like a son, send him to school and became a doctor. so he was very grateful to Pinky & from worship her to loving her with all his heart & whatever he can do for her he will do it.but later on he fell in love with Som. then Aof's mom hire a guy to go kidnap Pinky to go hurt her but Aof came and help her on time and they went to hide,she got hurt so he made her wound. they went to stay in the countryside. here he saw a new look of her. a countryside innocent cute girl. a quick moment it reminded him of Nu Toon because she like to look at hing hoi like Nu Toon. and at the same time it also make her think of P'Tor because he like to row the boat for her to look at hing hoi like P'Tor. they like eachother but both have too much pride that they kept it inside. then she misunderstood think he work with her step mom & plan the kidnap to hurt her & he pretend to be a good guy & come help her, she was so sad. then her dad got backstab by Duanemaysa's dad and became bankrupt and has a heart attack and was in the hospital. Pinky agree to marry Tawan so he can help her dad with money and hospital bills. she and Tawan agree to marry to make her dad feel happy but they will only marry by name and later they will divorce. Aof think Pinky is a money face like his mom. Som was heart broken that her boyfriend has to marry. The night of the wedding party. Pinky found out her step mom is behind the plan of hurting her so she was gonna shot her but Aof came and stop her. she was so mad that he was on her step mom's side the person who hurt her but he said she's the one who like to hurt people over and over and she should be teach a lesson for that, so he drag her out from the wedding. he was hoping to get revenge at her dad and his mom to make them go bankruptcy and also get revenge for his sister. so the wedding was cancel. he take her to the house on the mountain. the house that he bought to save for Nu Toon that he had promise to her.he torture her. he blame her dad for taking his mom away and make his dad died and make his sister has poor living. so she knew he wanted revenge. she was also mad that he was her step mom's son. she also blame his mom for taking her dad's love and make her mom die too. so his mom is evil too. they argue. he was so mad at her. so he was more mean to her. when she try to escape he would bring her back. she has to live in the house on the mountain in pain. one night he wasn't here so she try to escape, she was looking for the keys but found the water drop earring was confuse how he have it and it remind her of P'Tor. because she gave P'Tor this kind of earring. then Aof came back & saw Pinky holding the earring he was so mad said she shouldn't be touching a valuable thing like this. she said he shouldn't be the owner of this earring either. he was so mad that she touch Nu Toon's earring. they argue. he criticize her. she was so sad. that she accidently blurted out said even though she knew he hated her so much. but why she love him, she shouldn't love him at all. he was shock and happy at the same time of what he heard that she love him. so he confess said the truth is he love her too. so that night they slept together. then he found out her dad died. but he was scare to take her home b/c don't want her to be sad. so Tawan & Som came to take her home they misunderstood think he is hurting her. Pinky blame Aof for her dad's death because if he didn't kidnap her. her dad wouldn't have suffer and died about her missing. but then later on she found out the truth is her step mom left her dad for another rich man because her dad was bankrupt. so he was heart broken and died. Pinky was so mad said will get back at Aof and his mom. then she went to seduce Wootkorn(Duanemaysa's older brother-play by Tae Nuntasai), she was mad b/c hated Pinky & don't want Pinky to be her sister in law so she went tell Tae, Pinky is just using him & she is Aof's secret wife. but Tae doesn't believe her. Pinky was satisfy that she got back at Duanemaysa. Aof's mom is living in Tae's dad's house as Tae's dad's mistress. Tae fell in love with Pinky and ask her to marry him. she said will agree to marry him if he kick Aof's mom out of the house, so they kick her out & she has no place to live. Pinky made fun of her. and tell her to go back to her son, so she found out Aof is her son, she went to see him but he said you are not my mom since you left me. she got mad so gonna throw poison water at Pinky but she trip and it got on herself instead. she can't stand the pain so she died. Aof blame Pinky for his mom's death. Pinky was satisfy. said his mom made her dad died. so she deserve to died too. they both were so mad at eachother. said will make eachother's life a living hell. then Pinky found out she's pregnant so she ran off and didn't marry Tae and went to see Aof's grandmother and Som, they were so happy that Pinky was pregnant. his grandmother tell him to come see Pinky but he won't because was still mad at her. then Pinky went to stay with her grandmother at the countryside. and was so sad that P'Tor didn't live here anymore. because he sell his house already. Aof's grandmother went to visit Pinky's grandmother and found out she's Nu Toon. so she went to tell him. he was so sad that he had hurt the girl that love P'Tor all along. he went to see Pinky. in the house he saw her sitting listening to his music box crying. it made him even more sad than ever. he didn't get to say anything yet, but she tell him to go way. he said came to take his wife and baby back home. she won't listen to him. said there is no baby no nothing. what she have is revenge and pain and he will get that pain back too. she ran away from him and slip, fell down the stairs and got hurt. before she pass out she saw him running to her looking all worried. at the hospital when she was conscious she heard a familar song which is the song memory & when she open her eyes she saw both the earring together. he confess to her he's P'Tor. but she's too hurt right now to accept it because suphapburut that is so nice like P'Tor is not a Satan that is mean and cruel like Parun. so she won't get back with him. his grandma,her grandma,Som & Tawan tell him to hang in there because he did hurt her too much. & at the same time they went to tell Pinky to forgive Aof, she loose someone she love, Aof loose someone he love, want them to face eachother & talk & for their baby sake that is gonna come in this world in not many days ahead,and most important Nu Toon love P'Tor and P'Tor love Nu Toon, don't let pride hurt your love again. and this time Tae came to hurt her because was mad she use him. he gonna shot her but Aof came and block her so he got shot & in critical condition. that moment she knew she love him and her baby can't loose the dad. but she wasn't sure because Duanemaysa was at the hospital taking care of him, Duanemaysa said came to get the promise that Pinky said to her that she will never love Aof so Pinky should step aside for her and Aof to be together & start their new love life together. and the only way for Duanemaysa will step aside is for Pinky to say she love Aof and Duanemaysa will go away. but because of her pride Pinky said she doesn't love Aof. everyone was sad including Aof. Duanemaysa ask Aof if she can take care of him for the rest of her life but he deny her. he said the only person he love with all his heart is Pinky and his baby. she was so sad but willingly step way and went to America but before she go,she came to see Pinky, and remind Pinky shouldn't be too stubborn because Aof time left may not be that much. Pinky should follow her heart & go back to Aof because he love her and is waiting for her and their baby. when Aof awaken Pinky loose her pride & they made up. they decided to start their new life together again with their gold chain of love which is their baby.
The End.