Hahahaha don't worry you're not the only one abusing your rights to use them :hide:after listening to the conversation i was like... :nailbiter:...but anyways its okay... never really like pinky as an actress. :nono1: hehe but WOW never thought tanya would have such a GREAT idea! :scratchhead2: :numchuck: cheering for her! Damn, if i have a husband that already slept around, :scratchchin: i would TOTALLY divorce him. :gungirl: ..gosh, never knew such thing could happen. argh. hope there will be more update on this. :fanfic: and of course, i want to know what pinky n peck will have to say about their "just brother-n-sister" relationship! :coverlaf: ...... fftopic: damn is it just me?...lol i'm having fun with sarn's new smiley faces... hehe
Peck said F-16, not M16. he said he wanted to fly to the US to see his daughter.I didn't listen to the clip just read the transcript over at Dirtii and he sounds downright psychotic. His threats to shoot her and her mom with an M16? Disturbing!
And yes these phone calls aren't definite proof of Pinky/Peck's affair it's more circumstantial evidence at best. But let's face it. Pinky has been torn to shreds by the media. If it wasn't true wouldn't she have sued by now? Ch. 7 dumped her over this didn't they? I tend to think it's because she doesn't have a leg to stand on. Afterall it's not libel if it's true.
i'm not sure if it's possible, but to be safe, i would totally destroy my phone if i had sensitive information/files. hahahaha.What!!! You can retrieve deleted files from a Blackberry??? Unbelievable! I am almost certain that can't be done.
And they reconciled...after he threatened to kill her and her mother? What the hell is wrong with Tanya! Ok, she deserves him. That's all I'm saying for now.
Seriously.i'm not sure if it's possible, but to be safe, i would totally destroy my phone if i had sensitive information/files. hahahaha.
since we're all outsiders, we don't really know what goes on in this couple's life. there's an old Thai saying that you should never try to intervene or even give advice when a couple is having issues because at the end of the day, it's the 2 people who make the ultimate decision for themselves...whatever floats Tanya's boat. i wish her the best.
:scratchchin: Sorry I'm not much into law lol so I had to read it a few times to absorb and try to understand what you're saying. Are you saying the audio clips are useless if brought to court?Uh maybe in Thai it's libel even if it's true. I know absolutely nothing about Thai laws. In US it is NOT libel if it's true. The very definition of libel is defamation through the written word or by print simply put. There are nuances there. And by definition defamation is a FALSE statement that results in injury.
A case won't even go to trial much less win if you can definitively prove that what you're saying is true. Of course there are privacy laws to where even if what you're stating is true but it's not for public concern then someone can sue. But that's another matter entirely separate but not exclusive from defamation.
i was specifically speaking about the Thai law since u were talking about Pinky (who lives in Thailand) and what could be her reason for not suing. she could definitely sue whoever defamed her unless she doesn't want to go through the drama in court and get further humiliated.Uh maybe in Thai it's libel even if it's true. I know absolutely nothing about Thai laws. In US it is NOT libel if it's true. The very definition of libel is defamation through the written word or by print simply put. There are nuances there. And by definition defamation is a FALSE statement that results in injury.
A case won't even go to trial much less win if you can definitively prove that what you're saying is true. Of course there are privacy laws to where even if what you're stating is true but it's not for public concern then someone can sue. But that's another matter entirely separate but not exclusive from defamation.
And yes these phone calls aren't definite proof of Pinky/Peck's affair it's more circumstantial evidence at best. But let's face it. Pinky has been torn to shreds by the media. If it wasn't true wouldn't she have sued by now? Ch. 7 dumped her over this didn't they? I tend to think it's because she doesn't have a leg to stand on. Afterall it's not libel if it's true.
การโพสข้อความอ้างอิง และ/หรือไฟล์ประกอบความคิดเห็น และ/หรือlink ไฟล์ภาพและเสียงใดๆ ที่ยังมิได้มีการพิสูจน์ว่าเป็นจริงหรือไม่ อาจสุ่มเสี่ยงต่อการเป็นความผิดฐานหมิ่นประมาทตาม กม.อาญา และอาจเข้าข่ายเป็นการเผยแพร่ข้อมูลคอมพิวเตอร์โดยไม่ชอบด้วย กม. อันเป็นความผิดตามมาตรา 16 แห่งพระราชอาณาจักรไทย พระราชบัญญัติว่าด้วยการกระทำความผิดเกี่ยวกับคอมพิวเตอร์ พ.ศ.2550 ได้
จึงขอให้เพื่อนสมาชิกโปรดระมัดระวัง และขอความร่วมมือจากสมาชิก โปรดช่วยกันตักเตือนและ/หรือหลีกเลี่ยงการโพสต์ข้อความ ไฟล์ประกอบฯ หรือ link ดังกล่าวด้วย
yeah, so most people on Pantip (who are registered members) don't want to upload the files because if Peck or Pinky wants to take legal action against people who distribute the audio files, the Pantip members can be easily tracked down.There are laws against this, something along the line of defamation and sharing certain kind of information. Pantip recently posted an announcement about it.