Yes, I agree that Ward character is a little annoying. Ward basically wants what she can't have. She gets more angry when the prince denies he love twice. Remember that the princess experienced the slave life too but she was still doing good deeds and not be angry at anyone. If Ward wants revenge she can take it out on only those he belittle her and talk down to her like Tid, the Dr and his daughter. The princess have a kind hearts towards everyone and if Ward's only goal is to free her mom and her friend from slavery she can find other ways. She does seem to forget that she is not the "princess". How does she even think that she'll get away of the truth. The attitude that she is showing is low like what is expected of the "low" class back then. Of course defend yourself...if someone throws a ball at you throw it right back but have moral value of a good human being. Ward doesn't need to take it that far to find love and help her mom at the same time. Oh well, then again it's a period lakorn that everyone seems to be enjoying at any rate. And all actors are doing a good job at their roles since we are all reflecting on the good, the bad, love, hate, kindness and society (which it has change some from the slavery period).
Smart does act good it just that he's got the preppy pretty boy looks so its got to be hard for him to bring on the angry facial expressions. He is playing a role of a prince whom is forbidden to love a slave woman. Cherry is good at acting as a good sheltered kind hearted princess. Por role is very challenging to be acting as a brave soldier who should only purpose is to protect and can't love. Janie acting is excellent except that it's a bit overdramatically scripted for her to have too much hatred towards those that are not slaves.
That's b/c Jaoying had been pamper and shelter all her life -- the first time she experience bad things is when she take ward's place .. she've been KIND all her life so seeing bad things is like a new thing for her to experience .. create this curiosity for her .. now, if you're ward and life have been cruel to you whether you want it or not .. when a golden opportunity comes by, you would rush in to grab it .. ward's revenge to get back to those belittle ppl is to get with THUN DAH -- he is HER ONLY WAY out since no one else can help her .. now, can we blame her when she has no end to run too -- not even Aongdin?
Ward did not forget her root that she's a slave na kha -- she knows she's not the princess and that's why she's working hard to hold onto Thun Dah .. she knows she can't have what she wants but she has to do it. She even asked Thun Dah to not hate her when the truth reveal in the end b/c she didn't intend to do it but has to it. She's scare that her time as the fake princess will run out and that's why she's doing everything she can .. not only that, Tid also feed her with idea that once Jaoying come back, they'll return back to the kingdom so if Ward wants to gain respect from her and everyone else, she must hurry and grab on some rich man to gain that high social status. I feel at this time, Ward does feel pity for the two but can't do anything b/c she has no choices. i mean, she even claim that she has no pride, she beg for love from a man that doesn't love her to Aongdin and yet, all Aongdin did was --- 'KEEP GOING WITH YOUR DREAM & INITIAL INTENTION' .. i don't blame Ward at all for doing what she can to get away from being treat unfairly. She only wants the same treatment from everyone else just like any human being!
Also, keep in mind that slavery come from a long way back -- from her ancestor to her (so many generation of slavery and yet, she can't escape it)-- remember that scene of her rushing in to ask the Doctor for medicine to help her sick mother .. did you see what he gave her .. he INTENDED to do DRUG TEST on his slaves and it just so happen that he wants to test it on ward's mother.(he's using the slaves b/c his view on them is no different than any free thai ppl at the time - social rank) Lucky, the other slave snatched it away and that's why her husband died in Ward's mom's place. This is inhuman and cruel so yes, Ward only doing what she can right now to hold onto this life so she can escape this miserable fate. If opportunities were given like this, i'm sure Ward's not the only slave who will do this ...
as for being low -- she did tried to improve but instead of telling her she's improving .. ppl who are suppose to help her just insult her day and night .. i think ward can improve and become a better person if ppl give her the chance to do it with positive feedback .. Aongdin sees value in her and that's why she appreciate and see him as important to her (later reveal in the hut how she felt) .. but the ppl who are a little higher than her still treat her like a slave when they know exactly that she doesn't want to be treat as one once she decided to take in the role of a princess. i think the blame is mostly come from society and then the ppl around her -- how bad they are of an influence to her decision .. Aongdin alone will not make the world change so to change it, she must take matter to her own hand and that is to go after something she can't have but can be hopeful for.