this lakorn is sooooo cute!!!
(sorry, if i misinterpret any part, i am still learning thai myself...)
pim thought her so-called friend wrote a letter of recommendation, which instead she wrote a nasty note. somewhere in that note she wrote that pim would do anything and everything to get this job. (like she would totally give her body for this job) of course that only pisses captain off since he dislike girls like that.
i think his mom think that pim wanted to get with a rich guy like her son (money hungry or something).
yes, captain likes her already, you can see that hes already jealous too. As for her, its hard to say since she didnt break up with her boyfriend yet, when she left for thailand. Now the boyfriend think she have another guy due to the so-called friend tellling him so, and it seems true when captain came on the phone when pim called him(theres more to this, dont want to give out too much details) basically the bad girls plan seem to be going as she had planned. (which is good for captain) im sorry thats kinda bad, i do feel a little sorry for the bf, he hadnt done nothing wrong, yet...
anyways cant wait til the next episode come this lakorn so much!!!
thank you to those that uploaded them.