
"sir, im sorry but this is the last stop. i can't go out of town with you-"
"look, i'll pay you 50k if you just drive!"
"okay!", the taxi driver close the deal as he didn't expect this man could be big time. Sally sent him some following message and based to her research Mr. Fuentes owns a private island at Puerto Galera, giving him a reason why Daniella was heading south.

a few hours later, at the pier of Oriental Mindoro Mr. Fuentes was there waiting for upon Daniella's arrival. as she finally arrived, he escorted her by himself and they both get into the yacht as they sail to go to Puerto Galera and visits his private island there.
at the yacht, Daniella trying so hard to cheer up herself to make not so obvious that she was being force to be in the date. "here... have some", offered her a glass of sparkling white wine. but she wasn't sure if she had to drink it our not.
Daniella: (she accepted it.) tha-thanks Mr. Fuentes...
Mr. Fuentes: why being so formal. call me David and dont worry, i didn't put anything to your drink. (he sat right next to her and gazing at the skies.) its kinda suck that you're the one im dating with, how i wish that it would be Sally.
Daniella: then why still asked if you dont want me?
Mr. Fuentes: because you serve as a consolation prize after that game. its kinda suck that i couldn't that Andres... (she look at him and frowned as he just called him to his real name.) he never change. (he smiled and giggled as he remembered something, it only gets her curious.)
Daniella: are you referring the one that you competed to the game? Andre?
Mr. Fuentes: yeah, the older brother of Sally. it surprised me when i saw him here... he used to go out of the country and rarely stays here.
Daniella: out of the cou-
Mr. Fuentes: you know what's funny, after that game i just realized how protected he was to his sibling. and then-
Daniella: wait, wait, wait... you're referring to Andre? what do you mean that he used to go out of the country?
Mr. Fuentes: i thought you know him. their family's always in the news all the time, though Andre hardly doesn't reveal himself that much. its always his sister Sally who goes out to talk to the media. Antonio de Yulo entrusted his assets, luxuries, businesses and everything that de Yulo runs to his only son Andres de Yulo and Cassandra Lyn de Yulo.
Daniella: so you mean to say... Andre's not a poor after all? i mean he's an illegitimate son-
Mr. Fuentes: only a few people knew about this, his mom died because of an accident but i cant tell what's the whole truth about it. this give Antonio a chance to be a father even more to his only son. of course, he had been through so many years before he got his throne. but now, he's not only rich but a billionaire.
their chit-chat didn't stop there, he further continue talking about the "de Yulo's". he also didn't miss how much he liked Sally, telling her that they used to date. "i usually call her as 'Sasa'...", he said.
"that's a funny name..."
"she likes me calling her that way and im the only one who calls her that way..."
he was finally at the pier, looking for Daniella was already too late as he asked some of people there. he payed another bill for the barge fare, asking for Mr. Fuentes address but the driver doesn't know Mr. Fuentes. he contact Sally and she sent him the map of Mr. Fuentes private island in Puerto Galera.
meanwhile, Sally was cleaning her gun as she was both watching the monitor of her computer and news on tv. surprisingly the news on tv was about Mr. Fuentes who just came back from business trip and the media asked him about his new business going on in America.
"shit...", she dropped the gun and called her brother but her brother was out of coverage already.
"is there any signal here?", he asked.
"sorry, but we're still on board... usually we dont have signal", the driver said as he continue sailing. to his phone, he saved the picture of the map since there isn't no signal. he was thinking that maybe once he reached Puerto Galera, there would be finally a signal.
they finally arrived at the private island. as expected for Mr. Fuentes, the island isn't just an ordinary island. this is the reason why she needed to get him as to be part of the biggest shareholders, they could use this island to one of her future projects.
but there was something weird about the island, she have seen some photos of his island in the internet... but this isn't what it looks like.
to his searching, he arrived at Mr. Fuentes' island but there are no hints of Daniella or even Mr. Fuentes. the island was full of tourists, and the map isn't mistaken. the island that he stopped by is a resort, he decided to stay in that resort and maybe he could Daniella there.
"Mr. Fuentes, i thought your island... i was expecting to see a resort island. i think this isn't the island i saw on tv or magazines...", Daniella said. analyzing everything, she dont know him after all. she was thinking that just the two of them in this remote island makes her scarier but she dont wanna make it obvious.
Mr. Fuentes: you look flushed, Daniella...
Daniella: am i? im not... dont worry about me.
Mr. Fuentes: i am worried. (he gets closer to her and caress her face.) you look nervous...
she steps back to avoid him. before Mr. Fuentes makes a move, a chopper passed by at the sky. he guess already who was it, this person never fails to impress him. "i knew you would come...", he smiled.
"Daniella, who is it? Andre?"
"why Andre would be here?"
from the sky, someone fell a rope and if she wasn't mistaken... it was a woman whose trying to get down from the rope. she had guns everywhere from her chest and to her left leg, like as if she belonged to a military group. she was wearing camouflage printed shorts that partnered with her white shirt, wearing an aviator shades and camouflage cap. "what's going on? who is she?-"
before she could finish, she finally recognized if whose that person who just came out of the chopper. it was Cassandra Lyn de Yulo, the heiress of de Yulo company. why on earth she's here in this remote island? did she came to save her or to see Mr. Fuentes?
Daniella: Sally? what are you-
Sally: back off...
Daniella: what?
Sally: i said back off~! (she prepared her gun as she set her eyes on Mr. Fuentes. Daniella moved back as what she said and let her deal with him.) do you think you can deceive me with these old tricks of yours?
Mr. Fuentes: what are you talking about? you won the game and you're here interrupting my date with Miss del Fierro.
Sally: day by day you're pissing me off. you told me that you love me and i should trust you, but look what you're doing right now? eversince you left me... i promised to myself that i will treat you as my enemy, you bastard! (she pointed the gun at him and that made Daniella surprise.)
Mr. Fuentes: did Andre taught you to hate me?
Sally: no! of course not! Andre has nothing do with this... this is between me and you!
Mr. Fuentes: if i kiss you, would you still hate me?
Sally: shut the fuck up! i dont want your old games-
Mr. Fuentes grabbed the gun and Sally failed to pull the trigger as he grabbed her face to kiss her. to Daniella's shock, a lot of questions run to her mind. so Sally had this relationship with him since a long time ago? how come the business circle doesnt know about this?
what's more worst, they're making a scene infront of her. Sally was kissing him back, she responded to his kisses. this reminds Daniella how she and Sally had similarities when you're craving to someone's kiss. in short, she was thinking of Andre. but looking to Sally's perspective, its unexpected. she has been in love with old man for a long time?
they parted their lips and when they looked into each other's eyes... they as if reminisce their past.
"can you take off your mask now?", Sally asked him and that widen Daniella's eyes if she just heard it right what she was asking him to do. Mr. Fuentes look at Daniella's reaction, "do i really have to do it infront of her?"
"take it off...", she didn't care if Daniella witness something more shocking revelation to Mr. Fuentes' physical appearance at this moment.
he touched his nape and scratch something there. the prosthetic effectively attached his skin and slowly he takes off the mask that made him look like Mr. Fuentes. he unbuttoned his shirt and takes off belly bag prosthetic to his stomach. it widen Daniella's eyes when an old man transformed all of a sudden into an unexpected hunk guy. and so this is the real him, he was disguising all this time?
Sally: i missed you.... (she embraced him.) i missed you so much... (she cupped his face and caressed it.) i still love you after all what happened. i love you, Chris...
Christopher: and i still love you, too...
"uh, okay... you two finally make up with each other. are you done now? what about me?", Daniella asked as she purposely interrupt their moment. at afar, a familiar voice calling them, it was Andre whose waving at them.... he was at the speed boat.