Girl, I don't get it either. I was searching on it when I was doing my summary because the title is so weird. I found these books called the Thang Charng Puark series or something. IT's pretty much life lesson booklets for kids.lols no one can answer my question? lol sadddddddddddd; hahaha but thang chang puerk is milky way right? the only legend I know is of the couple the girl was a daughter of the king of heaven and one day she falls in love with a farmer and blah blah something happens and her father seperates them. Opposite sides of a river and they can only meet once a year by a bridge; and theres a silver line for the river which makes the skies look like the milky way ... i have no clue if it has anything to do with this lakorn lols
>.< boooo so the girls made me go searching all over for one legend lols when there could be many hahaha; I haven't seen the first episode yet; I haven't been a big fan of yard since uerm busaba leh kularbshe freaked me out in it hahaha but she was good in it, i'll probably watch this one when it nearly end i don't like watching depressing lakorns as they air =.= right now im already watching atitarn ruk and i don't think i can afford anymore tissue box's and on top of that i'm watching narng tard which is 2x tissue box... i watch this one too i be poor from buying tissue :loool:
girl so not my fault lols; at first i saw episode 01 of narng tard i was like uh oh but im holding on for my Pokkkk and Yuiiiiiiii; and then Art Ti Tarn Ruk everyone know im a big fan of ann alicha i watch it for her :wub: even maya pissaward that lakorn suck monkey guts I still stuck it out LOL for pepper and ann hahaha LOL and i don't have time to watch =.= lol either im uploading or helping out with other forums hahaha or my husband comes home to interrupt my lakorn watching with his whining about how work sucks LOL; and school =.= at first i was stuck to narng tard, art ti tarn ruk, payak sao saab e lee, but payak ended and there no lakorn that stole my heartOh my god, girl, you're digging your own emotional grave. nang Tard and Attitarn Ruk, the two most saddest lakorns currently airing, you're crazy.
-shakes head- you better watch a lakorn comedy in between to balance it out.
this girl!
i just finish episode and i like it
it a different side for tye and yardthip
tye has lot of lakorn huh and they all different tye of character i luv it all the side to him
i hate that dude who always hit girls wat sup wit that??