The FOOD thread



Fenix said:
There's a phet version for tot mun? Your probably making the Thai style tot mun right? You put prik kang (the red stuff) in your tot mun right?
yea prik kang .. the chilli thingy i know heheh .. yea i dont put alot though my heart cant handle it ..


pecco said:
me--i always put it on noodles, rice, fish...anything

Im hungry :mellow:
im a pickled pepper freak and that asian hot sauce freak and i wanan make somtom but people here are white so they are gonna complain because of the smell ..

Muddie Murda

once again! off work but still at school...


T_T Turkey sandwich....................yummm.... T_T






sarNie Adult
Gosh... making my mouth soo watery lolzzz...

Tonite I will be making uhmm what they called in Khmer "Loc-Lak" Beef Cube salad? Hmmm I dunno eheheh that's what I'm making for dinner. Anybody wanna join? =)

from LaLune Resturant in So. Cal.


Sarnie Clown!
I finally bought a rice cooker for my room. The only problem is that I don't know how to cook (well, nothing good). I can make som tum and that's only because it's my favorite dish. However, that with rice isn't good enough. Along with som tum, I would like some fish, chicken, and stuff.

Btw, does anyone here know how to make Tom Yum?

I only know you need shrimp and to make it sour and spicy. Beyond that, I don't know anything.

And another thing, I have this thai cookbook and it keeps telling me to put in MSG. Is there a good substitute for that?


N i n j a
marduk said:
And another thing, I have this thai cookbook and it keeps telling me to put in MSG. Is there a good substitute for that?
Yeah, just don't add any in. I'm sure it won't make much of a difference in taste.

Muddie Murda

^ yeah...only MSG addicts can tell the difference...
ahahah like my mom. -_-

sometimes I lie that I already put it in the food, she tastes and goes "I can't taste it!"

-_- gahhh


Nang Fah
marduk said:
And another thing, I have this thai cookbook and it keeps telling me to put in MSG. Is there a good substitute for that?
maybe you can try using sugar instead of MSG?


Muddie MuRda said:
^ yeah...only MSG addicts can tell the difference...
ahahah like my mom. -_-

sometimes I lie that I already put it in the food, she tastes and goes "I can't taste it!"

-_- gahhh
MSG is really bad hahah my parents likes it too >.< but you dont HAVE to put MSG at all no need to substitute it either .. =)


N i n j a
KawaiiTennyo said:
that's somtom pu .. alot of restuarant dont have it ... they only have the plain somtom .. =*( imma go buy some papaya and make it myself!! i'll take a picture for you guys!! hahah
Hey, send me some. I'll give you kisses :D . lol.