Girl, I know it better on Koreans than anyone else. Hahaha okay, fine Japanese girls too, but I guess I focus on Kpop more, so it's like "THE THING" and you HAVE to HAVE it or else you are NOT an ulljjang (Best Face Famous People Online).omg i'm interested in the circle lens for sure hahah i want bigger eyes for a day or something, i normally wear contacts, the normal kind but it doesn't make much difference to my eyes haha...
well the big eye thing is trend in japan, not sure korea... so i can see why ppl are doing it lol gosh... u'll see hundreds with the same look, big eye, white face, cute-innocent-like pose with the peace sign lmao
actually i prefer this type than someone with rainbow colors on them thinking they know what they are doing but they look like an abstract painting, on their face [canvas]... give me a headache just to look at them lmfao
lmfao.. i totally agree with that look being kinda freaky but i want to try it out..... just to see how i'll look......DONT BUY THE CONTACT GUYS!!!(GIRLS)
dont make it a trend anywhere else!!! i think that the big eyes are kinda freaky...and i hate it when they pose "that kinda pose" in every picture!! why cant they just smile normally or sweetly??? i think the picture will look MUCH better.......
well, that's what i think...
for the double-eyelid, there's anthr kinda that you can buy(my best frend wears them, they're good) it's a put it on your eyelid and your eyelid will "fold" it like a double eyelid
Yeah Ning, I know what you mean, but they do have prescribed ones MQ u have like the LOW DOWN on this whole eye thing! u must have been research much about it lol
omg just looked... seems like a no go for me because i can't wear just color lenses... i need it prescripted or i'd have to wear contacts + glasses omg... it's too much lmao
LMFAO. Ha, ha. Actually, Lek. I think I might be all in.lmfao this is actually interesting... i want to invest in some eyelid glue, i need it bigger then anyways Cappy..... it's going down boy..... i'll do a before and after of me if everyone else wants to do it tooit'll be fun.... my favorite subject besides food is
Actually...That looks rather photoshopped.Whao, some of those pictures are so hard to believe. Seems like you girl know magic or something. But of course as I remember again after looking at those pictures, it seems that make-up was just a mask.
Well, check out this chick with light make-up on and with extreme digital make-up on. In my opinion I actually think that she looks more beautiful with only light make-up on. And of course she seems to be a natural beauty. HOT HOT HOT!
Actually...That looks rather photoshopped.
Are you sure it's real make up?
i'm thinking that there's a logical reason for that...probably because it could cause eye infections, etc... like those contacts with pictures ("tattoos") on them...Japan, S. Korea, and China/Taiwan are into them big eyes kind of thing. But sad to say then Circle Lens are illegal here in the USA. The only way you can purchase is out of the countries (S. Korea, Japan, China/Taiwan) or by a person that is selling them illegaly here in the United State. haha. >.<"
Totally agree with you.DONT BUY THE CONTACT GUYS!!!(GIRLS)
dont make it a trend anywhere else!!! i think that the big eyes are kinda freaky...and i hate it when they pose "that kinda pose" in every picture!! why cant they just smile normally or sweetly??? i think the picture will look MUCH better.......
well, that's what i think...
for the double-eyelid, there's anthr kinda that you can buy(my best frend wears them, they're good) it's a put it on your eyelid and your eyelid will "fold" it like a double eyelid
I was thinking the same thing. The girl is pretty but I wouldn't consider that "natural beauty" it still looks like she has heavy makeup on, maybe not a lot but man... u ppl think that foundation and eye liner and eye shadow and mascara is ALOT of make up!?!?!? oh and the fake eye lash...
reality is, it's not alot of make up!! gosh
the example that lala tsab showed has on TOO much make up. and is not considered "natural beauty" in my books - even has colored contacts on - look at the freaking shadow! can you imagine how much foundation is on? also she's wearing wayyyyyy more eye stuff than the example on this page of the girl from the OP.
vamkim's pix is a bit more closer to natural, i mean the first pix. she's just using lip gloss, eye liner, mascara and eye shadow, and maybe some foundation. just maybe lacking color contacts and fake lashes oh and eyelid glue lol
doesn't this stuff hurt the eyeballs. ooouch, it's ur eyes man. even normal contacts kill enuf oxygen supply to the eyeballs on a daily basis. i can't imagine using that stuff. what if u go blind from the eyelashes poking u or the glue spillin' on ur eyeballs, or the contacts, i dunno blocking mooore O2 to the eyeballs.
alrite, i guess i'm just a paranoid freak when it comes to the head. sorrie, i don't tolerate pain in eyes or the mouth or the idea of personally being blind so well.
but i like MAKE-UP! just not this extreme make-over kind, at least not on my funny head.
what i need to know is how to make one's face symmetrical, i have a crooked head. so anything that can fix that, is definitely MAGIC MAkE-UP in my books![]()