Chapter 8
It’s been a few days since the incident at Yard’s dad’s house. Tye can’t seem to be able to stop thinking about it, Yard’s face was so painful when her father not even claiming her as his own. He’s ashamed to meet her again, but Rita had already told him that he had too. Tye walks up to the restaurant, and looked in and saw Yard working. There was something about her that made him want to be there to save her, to be her hero.
May: Tye, what are you doing here?
Tye: Oh, May. Nothing, I was just going to see if this would be a good restaurant to eat at, I was walking around and started to get hungry. How about you?
May: This is where Yard works, I haven’t seen her in a few days so I wanted to stop by and say hi. Let’s both go in and check up on Yard.
Tye: Okay then. I was just going to get a quick bite anyways.
May pulls Tye into the store and Yard immediately sees her friend. She was afraid to go near them because her wounds from her mother haven’t healed fully yet, and she didn’t want May to be worried.
May: Yard! Over here. (Yard hesitantly walks over) Oh my god! What happened to you? Why do you have all these bruises on your arms and your face too?
Tye: Are you okay? What happened?
Yard: Oh it’s nothing. I fell down a couple of times, and then I bumped into a door. Funny right?
May: Tell me the truth Yard. I know you’re lying.
Yard: Fine, the truth is, I didn’t see where I was going so I bumped into some woman causing her to drop her stuff. She got mad and started beating me up. Happy?
May: Did you get her name? Tell me what she looked like.
Yard: May, thanks for caring so much, but I don’t remember what she looks like anymore. Enough about me, what would you two like to order?
A Couple Days Later
Tye: Something’s fishy Rita. Yard was bruised, and she said it was because of some lady she bumped into. But from what I could see, I think she’s lying.
Rita: You’re worried about her now. Awwww. Why don’t you find out the truth then and see if she was really telling the truth or not.
Tye: I’m not worried about her like that, it’s just that I don’t want her injured while I have to be with her, otherwise people might think that I had something to do with it. Enough about me, why are you so dressed up?
Rita: I’m not dressed up, and I’m going out with Rome tonight.
Tye: Again? This is like the third time this week! Are you making any progress yet?
Rita: Progress takes time. It hasn’t even been that long, but according to my plans, he will fall head over heels for me and after that, he’ll ask me to marry him.
Tye: Marriage? When do you plan on that happening?
Rita: I give it less than 3 months.
Tye: Are you crazy?! 3 months? Rita, you can’t be serious, I think you should stop before you go overboard.
Rita: Not yet, they haven’t felt the same way I have. Rome is going to be mine. Well I got to go, Rome is going to take me out. Bye and make sure to lock up when you leave.
Tye: Bye. (Rita leaves) Rita, I’m afraid that you’re going to dig a hole too deep that you won’t be able to get out of. You say that you are doing this for revenge, but you look like you’re in love. *SIGH*
Rita: So Mr. Patchata, what are we going to do tonight after we just ate?
Rome: Well it’s a surprise, and before you say anything, I already know that you’ll love it.
Rita: Fine. So if you’re not going to tell me where we’re going, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about work. I contacted with the Nuthe Company and talked to them about our idea of expanding the business and our marketing pitch too.
Rome: Rita (laugh) we can talk about work later, why not just relax and enjoy this evening. Look we’re here.
Rita: Here? At the beach? I’m not dressed for the beach.
Rome: Don’t worry. Just wait.
Rome quickly gets out and walks to open Rita’s door. He blindfolds her and leads her onto the sand. Once they get to the spot, Rome takes the blindfold off and Rita discovers candles and an electric violin player waiting for her.
Rome: This is for you. (hands Rita a postcard of the aquarium that was at the zoo they went to before)
Rita: What is this?
Rome: Read the back.
Rita: Out of all the fishes in the sea, please dance with me.
She looks at Rome who put out his hand, she smiles and decides to take his hand. Rome then cues the violin player to play the music.
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Rita: Isn’t she lovely by Stevie Wonder? (he nods) My mom loves this song, when my dad was trying to date my mom, he played this song to tell everyone that the loveliest girl was her.
Rome: I guess it worked then.
Rita: I had a question, why did you choose an electric violin player rather than a regular one?
Rome: Because I wanted to be different and plus I love how she plays this for us.
They kept swaying back and forth, dancing to various songs, such as Fly Me to the Moon, Just Call to Say I Love You, Can You Feel the Love Tonight, My Heart Will Go On…then all of the sudden Rome stops and winks at the violin player. She nods and starts playing the Ghostbusters theme song, and Rita starts laughing. He starts showing Rita his cute moves. He started discoing to this, the Mission Impossible song came on, and Rome acted like a secret agent. (author note’s: you can listen to all these song from her

she’s an amazing electric violin player ^^ )
Rita: What are you doing? Is this dancing?
Rome: It’s fun. Come on, that with me on this song, it’s called Ob-la-di, Ob-la da, by The Beatles.
Rita laughed at Rome’s silliness, but decided to join him on the fun. Just swing and going around in circles, suddenly they tripped. Rita fell on top of Rome, with her head landing on his chest. They both were out of breath from laughing too much, but Rita’s heart was beating faster for another reason. She places her head on Rome’s chest and said, “thank you for tonight.”
Rome: All I want to do is make you smile.
They stayed that way for a while with Rome wrapping his arms around her. Rita finally got back home and couldn’t help smiling so much. She enjoyed every minute she spent with Rome, but she started humming of the songs until she fell asleep.
Taew: Where have you been Rome?
Rome: Out with someone.
Taew: Another girlfriend? I thought you don’t date that much? What happened to you, you’ve been out all this week?
Rome: Don’t worry Taew, I’m not going to cause any news. Now it’s late, go to bed.
Taew: Rome, promise me that you’re not going to rush into anything.
Rome: I won’t. Now go to bed. I want to thank you for being on such good behavior lately. Dad, mom, and I are very proud of you.
Taew: Thanks. Well I’m going to bed now. Bye. (walks to her room, alone) Rome, I’m sorry, but I can’t stay like this, it’s all an act until I’m finally able to go out with my friends again.
Ae: Moooooooooooooooooooom! Mooooooooooom!
Ae’s mom: What daughter? What’s the matter?
Ae: Look (changing to different channels)
Ae’s mom: What? News. Honey, news is always on, what’s so important?
Ae: Not that. It’s been a week since Taew’s latest news. Once she’s turns into yesterday’s news, then it wouldn’t matter if she parties again, because the news wouldn’t care as much anymore. I need to make her front page news again. What are we going to do?
Ae’s mom: Ae, look, we did a lot with Taew already right now. Let’s focus on Rome for awhile, if you tell him that you’re still here, he might go and be with some other girl.
Ae: Alright, alright. But we have to come up with a plan where we bump into each other again. I don’t want to look desperate.
Ae’s mom: I got it, here’s what we do…
Rome is on his way to work. His life was good, his sister is behaving well, he met a wonderful woman that makes him want to get up early in the morning, and he’s going to work to see the face he longs to see. Everything is going on track, and plans to have it that way for a long time. Right when he turned into the parking lot, his phone went off, it was Ae. Rome hesitated to answer, but since Ae had been nothing but nice to him, he parked to answer his phone.
Rome: Hello?
Ae: (franticly) Rome, come quick, I’m by the railroad tracks near the old bridge on the west side. Hurry.
Rome: What? What happened?
Ae: I can’t really say, just my car broke down and now I’m being chased by a group of guys. Please hurry, I tried to call my mom but she didn’t pick up so I called you.
Rome: Why didn’t you call the police?
Ae: I—uh---just hurry. Rome, help me. Quick. Help! (beeeeep)
Rome: Hello? Hello? Ae? Are you still there? Shit.
He started his car and drove, speeding to get to Ae. He was getting worried. On his way over, he called the police. They told him not to go, because it could be dangerous and just to watch for police to arrive. But Rome knew that he had to act fast if he wants to make sure Ae is safe. Rome finally reached the spot, about 40 minutes later. He proceeded out of his car slowly and tried looking for Ae before the group of men her or him. A scream. Rome hears it and runs to its direction; it leads him near the back of the bridge. He kept looking around when Ae runs into his arms, scared.
Ae: Rome. Thank goodness you came. Help me; those guys were trying to do something bad to me. (points to the guys that were surrounding them)
Rome pushes Ae back trying to protect her, and a fist punched Rome right on the left side of his cheek. One punched knocked Rome down to the ground. Two guys grabbed Ae, while the other three started beating up Rome. Rome got luckily and kicked two of them onto the ground and shoved the other one towards the ones holding Ae. Rome grabbed Ae’s hand, and they started to run towards his car. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold on. Who knows if he’s already has internal bleeding or not. Ae tripped on her high heels and the gang was able to catch up to them. Rome was trying to pull Ae up, but her ankle was twisted. The leader of the gang whacked Rome with the bottom of his gun, and with a click, Rome and Ae feared for their lives. They both closed their eyes and with a BANG, someone was shocked.
Dear Rita,
My heart races whenever I’m with Taew. Her smile is what gets me up in the morning, and her laughter is contagious. I don’t know if I have ever been this happy before. Soon I hope you can find that someone. I know that you don’t really believe that it can really happen, but let me tell you, it’s better to have loved than to never have loved at all.