This or That

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
Num and Kob! I think they make a cuter couple and better chemistry :wub:

Based upon these options for selecting soul mates, regardless of gender:

Ones who are going bald OR Losing their all their teeth?

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
LOL...hmmm...first, I would want the house and THEN probably take in the hot guy ONLY IF he's not too annoying. -_- I'd hate to see a hunk suffer in the cold :p

Regardless of sex, you'd date a person with:

Dreadlocks OR Corn rows?


sarNie Hatchling
Gs that's a hard one...I'd go for the hot white boy, I guess

Toilet paper coming from over the roll or under the roll?


sarNie Adult
over for me...:p

If you were to be in a music video...would you want to be in a
1) Hip Hop dance music video
2) a story music video with a sad song (by story i hope you know what i with a storyline and all within the video)


white roses

being told wonderful lies -OR- being told the aweful truth