she's a talent actress. just because she does not have enough versatile roles, doesn't mean she's not talent.
and OBVIOUSLY, if it's a beauty contest,she WILL still be put down too b/c other will say she's not beautiful enough.
you can't blame her character, it was MEANT to CRY like that.
It's not up to her to CONSTANTLY cry -- LOl -- SCRIPT. ppl, script!
We really need to look beyond the whole bias issue here ---
And who will be blind enough to say she's not beautiful. If anything, I say it was her beauty that caught my attention
I think she's talent in her own right. I believe the reason why Ann win the award was because her role in Sawang Bieng was better than Aff's role in Jai Rao. Aff's character in the JR is rather weak, much crying and always seem to beat herself black and blue. Of course, the script says she had to cried so she did. Obviously, if we compare her character to Ann's character in SB, I'll said even the director will choose Anne. Let's just say that the character in SB and JR were not played by Ann or Aff but someone who we don't know. I am willing to bet that the character in Sawang Bieng will win (or most likey to win) because it's a better role which deserve to be reward. So if we comparing like this, jus the character of the lakorn, it's hard to believe that even you will think the character in JR will win. If you do than must I say that even Weir's character from Kaew Lom Petch has as much of a chance because she did a good job with her role even thought she is a new actress.
I think Noon has a stronger role. I think she has a better chance of winning than does Aff base the role of the character.
There is a reason why it is
Top Actress Award. It represents how well the actress play their character (not by how popular or beautify they are) and I just think that Ann really deserves to win for how she played her character. Noon comes in second.
And we never know. Some people might vote for someone beautiful and disregard all things consider. And please do not tell me that that never happen to you.
"base on many many things not b/c you feel this or that of this person ^^" ........seems to me that you are doing the same thing too, Ceci. It is not that you may be bias because you are Aff's fan too?
P'Ceci, I feel the exact same way as you.
I don't get why people can say other people are bias when they are too.
And like P'Ceci said she was MEANT to cry in JR. I don't get how you guys can say stuff about Aff so much when you guys just think about her characters. You act like she wanted to cry the whole lakorn.
Just cause you're an Anne fan doesn't mean you can't like Aff. I love Aff and I still like Anne. I don't get how you can hate someone or don't like someone you don't know lol.
And Sophiiee: I can obviously tell you're not a fan of Aff. Which I don't care. But you can think whatever you want like i said. And you don't need to roll your eyes. ^_^
Funny, I think you are doing the same thing that Ceci mention ""base on many many things not b/c you feel this or that of this person ^^"
They say that people who are saying it are also victim of their own word. It's hard not to be bias when you feel stronger for someone.
The whole issue which need to be
understand here is that Best Actress is awarded to the actress who play their character better. Yes, Aff has talent and so is Ann and it just turn out that many people think Ann play her role better....This is why she won.
^tinah, how can Noi allow that when she knows, every minutes and chances he have with Anne will make the fans go wild ..
another thing is, if she's not talent enough, how can His Serene Highness, Prince Chatrichalerm Yukol, consider or take her in to play the LEAD MAIN ACTRESS in his 700 MILLION BAHT TRILOGY movie 'KING NARESUAN' --- there are so many talent people out there, why her then if she's not talent enough

Don't tell me, his highness is BLIND -- i would roll my eyes then LOl
I think Aff is talent but I also think part of it is because of her good look too. She did not look good for nothing. She has her look and her own talent as weapon. The two go well together. You never know, His Serene Highness might has a likeness for Aff because of her personality or other factors. Some people just do those kind of thing.
For example, Son from Kaw Lom Petch (he's a model) is very good looking and handsome but he cannot act. I like him because he's handsom and I think that if given him more time, he'll learn to pick up. As for Aff she is pretty and it also turn out that she can act...If you like someone, you tend to give that person a chance and that very chance might turn out to be a success.
^so pretty much, vote by the fans -- a popular votes ^^ thanks Petch, for the clarification ..
i think that to be consider in the category, that means, you are one popular actress too my whole point is -- whether vote by fans or consider by board of director, what matter is that, these nominees did a good job to be put into this category -- so no need of saying that one is talent less b/c of this or that .. they are talent enough to be JAM into one category and CLEARLY, they only PICK the best and most popular too --- if Aff is that untalented, why not pick someone else who deserve more LOl
Of course AFf did a good job. Noon did a very good job too, so was Ann. It just turns out that Ann won because more people think she play her role a little better. The fact that Ann won proves it all
Lastly, Congrats. again to Ken and Ann. They won together for Oum Ruk too!