"Except, like the giant pink elephant in the room, the writer decided to allude to this romantic development even before the big mix-up reveal, i.e. guy adores girl even believing she is his blood sister. You can argue all you want that this was never explicit, but I am not deaf, dumb, and blind. It was as clear as day guy adored his sister a tad toooo much for comfort, and girl liked guy a lot as well.
But in Seasons drama-land, this is all good. Because they are NOT brother-sister, you see. Their feelings, however theoretically icky, are given the green light to flourish for the ten-odd years the guy and girl are separated across an ocean deep. A quick time jump later, the aforementioned years have passed and the girl is now working as a maid at a hotel."
Credit to Koalasplayground
LOL my thoughts exactly. Thinking about it, it does feel icky but I commend it for giving me tears. My gma hates this drama lol she thinks it is taboo. Which in a sense you can say it is haha