[TVN] Emergency Couple


fun said:
It has been 6 years since they divorced right? And during that 6 years, both of them didn't date any one. They never did stop loving each other. They just needed a break to sort their financial problems and find stability in their careers and life. 
One reason for sure that JH said she didn't want to start over was not because she didn't want to but she knows it's not going to work out. The preview for episode 16 doesn't look too good. I hope Chief doesn't kiss JH. I was shaking my head NO NO NO!!! 
I know, I hope they don't actually kiss.

Cecilia, episode 15 isn't actually bad. I liked it. Some people hated it and felt angry, but I felt just fine after watching it. Haha.

I'm starting to really like Choi Jin Hyuk. I think I'm going to watch his previous dramas. Haha. Any rec's??


Expired Sarnie
Yes yes Gu Family Book is good. Well only his part. When he died, I gave up the show. 
I Need Romance. Girl is not that pretty but I love her friend's part of the story. And you said you were into dramas dealing with past relationship. Basically the lead guy is a total ass but gotta love Choi Jin Hyuk. Probably my favorite I Need Romance series out of the 3. 
And I skipped Heirs. Watched episode 1 but there were too many hot guys I couldn't bare to watch it knowing the lead girl will end up with one only. 


Staff member
^i didn't watch heir b/c it seems very teeny for me. but GU FAMILY, i love it .. i'm sad about his story too :(
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OMG! My phone sucks. I wrote a whole bunch of stuff, was just about to post, but then all of a sudden my phone acted up and I lost all of what I wrote. So mad. So tired too...urgh...will come back to edit tomorrow instead. Gnight!


Expired Sarnie
Heirs reminded me about BOF and LMH character portrayed super rich high school boy in both drama. No thank you HAHA
I hate when that happens. I am on my moblie most of the time, so I feel you Phatman. 


Ok, as I was saying...I hope I remember everything I wanted to say. Haha.

I don't like the leads for Gu Family, so I only watched the first four episodes and a few scenes there on after until Wol Ryung's last appearance. Seo Hwa and Wol Ryung's love was beautiful. I think they're story is more interesting, although not very original. Jin Hyuk looked really good as well.

I didn't know JH was in I Need Romance. Haha. I planned to watch it a while ago, but the storyline wasn't captivating, so I gave up on it. I'll probably just go check out his scenes here and there. Hehe

Now, I found out that he did a drama with Moon Chae Won, so I checked it out. So far, so good. The directing isn't the best, but the story itself is interesting, since I'm very family-oriented. JH looks really good in there even though I don't really like his hair. Haha. Anyway....I think that was all I wanted to say last night.....?


sarNie Adult
This show is show good (I mean drama) it is really hittin the climax right now. When he asked about going back and start over. There kiss is so :shock: :O


Also, I'm debating whether or not I should watch Heirs. I don't like high school dramas, I'm way past that age, haha, so it just doesn't interest me. However while browsing through Heirs' ost, Lena Park's "My Wish" has captivated me so much that I want to watch it just for Jin Hyuk...should I??


Expired Sarnie
they gonna extend this by one more episode and i smell trouble. as much as i love for a show to never end, extending is usually a bad idea, like 70% of the time.

my cousin said the only good thing about heirs is good looking cast lol and it is overrated lol


Oo...Sounds bad. I'll just go watch Jin Hyuk's cuts. Haha.

How about My Daughter the Flower? Is that one good?? It's super long, but it's the only other drama he plays lead. Which shall I do first??? Ack. Haha.


Oh yeah, and I finish It's Okay, Daddy's Girl! That drama had so much potential. I'm so sad. Everything was going great in the beginning, but somewhere midway it sort of went downhill....why?


Omg, I just totally missed your news fun. We get an extension!? I like! I usually don't like extensions, but for Jin Hyuk it's fine. Haha.


Have you guys watched 16 yet???? I'm trying to get my hands on some English subs. Drama fever has it, but only for those with premium! Grr. So mad.