Tye + Noon Pics


sarNie Juvenile
omg shes so cute! and tye is so hot! i really like them together ALOT! they are one of my fav. couples!


They should've not made her look too much like a guy. Beautiful scenery though....makes me want to go back to the bay again.


sarNie Juvenile
...i love them. but why do she have to cut her hair...
it looks so nice and preety long...
but i still love them together.


sarNie Adult
i taught she wanted her long hair back but it seems to be getting shorter n shorter each time i see her


She's dating Top Piput. He played in a few lakorns. I like Kadeed Ded hang Ruk where he was a cop. He was the supporting guy who coupled w/ another girl. The pranang was Chakrit and Pinky. He was also in that mv from punch's song "rao kong thong bpen fan gun."


They're seeing each other.. but funny how they don't want to call each other boyfriend+girlfriend yet... daras lmao. want to be safe I guess.

Closer picture of Top.


I LOOVE LOOVE this expression!
Look at her lips. She's so funny.


sarNie Hatchling
oh my, they're so sexy together!! but why did they have to trim noon's hair again...nevertheless, i love them together!


sarNie Adult
they look more like brothers.
hahahaha! i kinna agree =)
but i don't think her long hair matched her either
:D Omg! thats her boyfriend? he's sooo hot, he's an awesome suportting actor tho!


Mama Noy ♥️
omg.. noon's hair!?!? i'm soooo not feeling it.... <_< but they make such a cute couple! tye's so hottt.. :drool:


sarNie Juvenile
they are so freakin cute together and they look like they are having so much fun. but i would really like to see them in a sexier and hottier shoot. thank you for the pics.