Unexplained cold case :: JLR Victim Unit :: Aum/Aff


Staff member
they are made exclusive for ceci .. there are 4 attach one but i scare, it'll melt before it arrive to all of you b/c way too hot in JLR island ..


sarNie Granny
ok girl , im going this fiction since im goin finsh " say u love me " this week ..


sarNie Adult
ok girl , im going this fiction since im goin finsh " say u love me " this week ..
OMG did I read that correctly? "I'm going to finish Say you Love me this week"

MOTHER SARN I CANT WAIT! :yahoo: :clap: :drool: :ph34r: lmao can't use one smiley w/o the other! hahaha
Gosh and I'm going to be out of town this weekend too!


sarNie Granny
Wishbone, the first female police chief in Thailand and her creditability is no less than any man . Award and honor is display all over the wall of her office at BBK City Hall. On the work desk is picture of her with the Prime Mister of Thailand. She done it all, cracking down drug, busting mafia pin, human traffic, underground gambling, murder case and many more. After 20 years in law enforcement, there nothing she hasn't came across until the case of "JLR VICTIM UNIT"?

Wishbone was reading crime report and flipping through photos of a dead girl, age 18, name Cecilia. Victim was rape and body was found in the ocean at JRL Island. Lately, there lots of unexplained murders cases down there in Puket . What is strange about Cecilia's case , is the cause of death unknown . The itopsy report reveal she was rape but nothing more and her body was found in the ocean , evidence from the crime scene was off , her arm and leg were tie. There no way she committed suicide someone is trying to fool the investigator ! Wishbone had call Harit to her office to discuss the case and order him to station at JRL's Island .

"While you down there check out the local in JRL Island , there been several report about a ghost that appear along the beach at night" said Wishbone

"ghost ? you have to be kidding ! there no such thing ! soo her body was wash off the shore like dead fishes . Sad and she look so blue in the picture . I bet she was cute when alive , poor baby " said Harit shaking head while scanning through photo of Cecilia 's corpse

"Harit , she dead . Spare the cute comment . Get out of my office and get to work detective!"? she command

"yes sir! .. I mean ma.."? he salute playfully and wink . Wishbone throws a heel across the room but like the Matrix he dock in time and blow a kiss before exiting out the door.

Harit is the best FBI agent in BBK and the biggest flirt the law enforcement ever seen! With mouth like a blowfish and steroid injected body , everyone refer to him as the Asian version of Jame Bond . There two thing he doesn't believe in when solving a case and he have came across many that fit in this category and at the end was bogus!!
1-Ghost & supernatural is the cause
2- Spell & witch craft
He is skeptic in this area and even laugh about it when he read crime cases of such nonsense! When he investigates these unexplained cases 100% of the time is human doing and no hidden forces behind all these murder. Ghost ? No such thing ! Harit walk out the build and put on his shade like a bad boy as he scan the street. Citizen of Thailand need more of Harit , he thought while smiling at a couple girls that was walking by . They were giggling nonstop as he wave at them.

Must be the rock hard body and this killer smile , he thought as more and more girls that passes by started to point finger and laugh like crazy chimpanzee ..

"excuse me sir , I know it none of my business but you are destroying the BBK Citiy Hall scenery by standing there with your pant unzip . If you plan on catching a bigger fly with that trap, I suggest hit the club sometime" said Soriya with a disgusted look . Only statues in Greece is allow to display their private part in public and even so at least those statues is more pleasurable in the eye then this pervert , she thought.

Harit nearly jump as he look downward , lord it was wide open like a can of sardine and he quickly turn around to zip it up-- hopefully the damage is preventable now. He pray none of the FBI agent in the firm saw this little display ! He turn around and saw the girl march up the stair into City Hall.

Pretty girl but spicy on the tongue , he like it ! Harit straighten his jacket collar and smoothen his hair.


sarNie Oldmaid
wooooohooooooooo SarN started the JLR Unit....yess

lol its already funny...love it pls keep them coming!!

Thank you SarN!


Staff member
man, i laughed to hard. i'm gonna be a ghost. hunting for the man that drive me crazy to run ot PHUKET PEARL FARM :loool: ..

so much comedy as well .. love the crazy chimpanzee girls ... and yup. only statue in greece are allow to pose nude in public :loool:

exciting can't wait. WISHY is the best but sitting at the office .. sending steriod HARITH to the rescue. Wonder if SORIYA is another officer or not.

will i have an episode of possessing anyone?


sarNie Granny
A couple days later Harit and Mew arrive at JLR Island. They rented the beach house and unpack their luggage. Mew, is a FBI agent in training that been working along side him for 2 years now. Her friend happen to be married to his cousin a couple weeks ago, it was one wacko wedding because the groom run off with the bride during the altar. Harit look out the window with a binocular, the body was found on the nearby shore -- not 4mile from where he was staying.

“..We going stake out tonight ...� said Harit as he scan the beach and caught a beautiful American lady in a bikini laying down on the sand with her knee up. He clean the binocular lens and continue where he left off, white smooth …

Mew pulling out a little note pad and write down “…stake….out ….tonight...white smooth ..leg ..� she pause and ask “…damn, it doesn’t sound right . what the last line again ?..�

“..I mean, let do some investigation by asking the local around the area ..�

They left the house and headed toward the market questioning several sellers at the booth about Cecilia. What type of person she is? Does she have a boyfriend? They learn Cecilia is a quiet person and live with her father, the family sell black bean for a living …as for boy friend. She have none, her father is over protective and doesn’t allow any guy to talk to his daughter. Mew take notes as one lady talk about the day she disappear

“…her father came into the market shouting for her. Crazy man ! He even came into my booth and throw my apples to the ground just because I jokily say his daughter probable out with a man ..� said the lady acting shyly toward Harit , making him flinch by watching the black teeth through her smile . He wonder if the lady have any teeth at all or was that cavity .

“…damn lady, you know her father is over protective and you going joke about that? You probable the murder! Mastermind receives more sentence than the person that act upon it… � warned Mew .

The lady immediately panic and say at the time she was mad at Cecilia’s father for destroying her apples . They left the lady and goes to the next booth. Harit pull down his shade for a better view.

The old man is probable 120 years old according to his wrinkle skin and corpse like body with tattoo all over. He was chewing on something disgusting and probable spoil vegetable, no wonder he was just skin and bone. Harit count the man rib cage as Mew question the man about Cecilia....

“…she is dead! She committed a sin so the sprite came to end her life ! Even in death she refuse to leave this world ..� said the old man

“...sprite, no such thing! What sin? The poor girl was rape, the sinner is the rapist and you!!..� Harit wave his fist in the air

The old man laugh like a mad scientist and Harit felt a chill down his spin as he watch the old man choke on the spoil vegetables. Next time, he shouldn’t laugh with his mouth full ! The man finally spit it out and turn to point at Harit “…how dares you. If you don’t believe me …go ask her yourself!!!...�

Mew felt her hair stood up as she swallows before asking the next question “…I thought she dead ...�

“…perhaps I can help ..� said a voice from behind them .

They turn around. It was the girl Harit meet in front of BBK City Hall , the world is round . He cross his arm doubtfully and narrow his eye “..How ? Did she came into your dream and talk to you ?..� Harit laugh at the crazy idea as Mew constantly take notes .

“…pretending to be a statue of Zeus isn’t enough? Now you a mind reader too ? ..� Soraya said dryly and added “…yes , i can talk to her in my dream ..�

Mew drop her pencil to the sand and felt a gust of wind blowing from behind. Was that some kind of unknown forces that touches her !! “..damn girl , don’t scar me like that …I feel a chill..�

Harit shake his head in disbelief and turn to his partner who froze in time , not even bother to push the hair that cover her face from the windy blow “…Mew, we at a beach....that was the wind� said Harit and turn to the girl . Something about her is very intruding to his case . He doesn't like people who claim to have special power because at the end , those people are swindle and bogus ! He wonder what magic trick she have under those clothes of her ...


Staff member
^the magic to lure him somewhere :loool: ... good update. . its' now 3am and i'm reading a ghost plot .. how scarry. KEEP IT UP. i wanna who's the rapist .. for a second, my mind fill with just any suspect but b/c this is a rape case, it's impossible that it's SORIYA :loool: would be nice if it's HARITH :spin:


sarNie Oldmaid
LOL ceci...our cases may not be solved...its a serial killer on the loose...prolly trying to get rid of the JLR sisters one sister at a time...LOL

oh boy! i am starting to love this fic too...

More plsssssssssssssssss... :lol:


sarNie Granny

what if the killer was ceci's father (but ewwww he raped her....or maybe she wasn't.....maybe she *ahem* with some guy and her father caught her...and when her father was going to kill the guy....he accidently killed ceci......<---i watch too much tv)