kimsaj said:
Yes, I missed Margie. LOL. who's the other girl beside Mint?
No Mai Davika also. All are from CH3 I am I right?
Also, the concept is not as catchy as before
Her name is Pango and she is from Ch5. I thought she was Preem at first.
Nycha possibly replaced someone who couldn't make it to the photoshoot? I believe on the 12' cover, Pancake couldn't make it to the cover photoshoot so Toey J replaced her on the cover. The cover is photoshopped like every other year. Some take individual photoshoots and some take it as a group.
And as for Bella and Margie not being on the cover, c'mon now, i call this Bull lol btw. The cover is unappealing and very plain compared to the previous years. What happened? Lol I'm trying to pick who looks the best on the cover but sadly, no one sticks out to me