;] LOL First off those who say Asians can't drive obviously never been to Texas. Here nearly everyone can't drive especially the hispanics and african americans =/ I'm not trying to be racists, but everyday I am at a stop light while the light is red some idiot behind me honks I'm like EFF you the light is red.
They run red lights, they speed in small neighborhoods (with a speed limit of 20 with kids in the street!), they speed through school zones, they don't look both ways when they turn (or they look the wrong way), they blame you when they back into you without looking in their gah deng mirror
So next time you come across someone who says Asians can't drive tell them to move to Texas
I don't get offended by All you asians look alike because almost all hispanics, african americans, caucasian's look alike also. It depends on how you look at it ;]
I definitely don't get offended by when people say, "Asian people eat dog" because everyone culture eats dogs Proof Click This Link
*So tell them to look at that link when they say something like that
Lastly, when someone says, "Ching Chong, Ching Chong" I respond with, "I'm sorry I didn't realize you had a mental disorder." If they look at you confused, "Thats what Ching Chong means"
Lesson 101 On how to ward off and shake off those comments LOL
Again, I didn't mean to be racist by referring specifically to any ethnicity. Just wanted to say every culture has their flaws and with every culture there are those handful of people who are ignorant and intolerant towards other cultures.
That's too funny. I don't think Texas is the only state that has bad driver. Try driving in California. Every time i see a Mexican driver (no offense to the Mexican) i would say " there goes speedy Gonzales" they drive like they racing somebody.