Amira said:well..thats what i said...religion is a sensitive case. we shall halt here hehehe...and let's watch thai lakorns
"Now the Muslim teaching.. Where it is still in the Qu'ran.. If you kill a non Muslim it's alright and you'll see Allah... Would Allah really see those who shed other blood just to see him.."---------be careful what u put. each verse actually talks about a specific event that happened during the time. general, muslims dont kill non-muslims to go to heaven. u no...that is a big sin in Islam. maybe u should quote the verse that ur getting that from? bcz u got it wrong.vilasaeng said:Before I say this don't jump down my neck..
Christian accusing the Muslim for killing other's non-Muslim so they could go see Allah as something unmoral and cruel and view the belief as a horrible religion.. But the facts that's during the crucade.. Christianity did exactly what SOME Muslim is doing..Killing the non-Christian believer..
When Amira say that people tells other people that their going to hell is kind of weird.. I mean I've study almost all religion and I found some gap FROM MY UNDERSTANDING in the religion.
Like Christian.. I question their "If you accept GOD into your life.. He's cleanst your sin and you'll go to heave." Or "If you believe in GOD you'll go to heave"
I mean.. What if someone murder someone.. And they accept GOD as their savor.. What then.. Are they still going to heaven..
Yes their might be argue that this particilar person won't because of the crime they comment.. But again.. Won't it be wrong to say.. You're still going to hell even if you accepted GOD.. Would the teaching itself goes back on it's own words..
Now the Muslim teaching.. Where it is still in the Qu'ran.. If you kill a non Muslim it's alright and you'll see Allah... Would Allah really see those who shed other blood just to see him..
Buddhist.. You're due to pay for your sin that you commit in the past.. at future life. It's very unfair because you don't know what you did in the past life.. To accomplish Nivarna.. You must get rid of all emotion.. So their won't be a feeling of need.. But isn't the need to get rid of all emotion still a need that human kind seek for..
For me there's gap in everything.. Hell and Heaven are right in your heart.. You could see god if your heart desire.. and if you know you done good.. And hell if you know you done something wrong..
But everyone have their own belief. That's what keep all the faith alive..
Buddhist believer believe there's karma.. And to get rid of those karma they must do good in this life and hope that next life they won't do the karma again..
Christian believe doing good for other and accepted GOD as their savor they'll go to heaven..
As for the rest I won't really MY UNDERSTANDING is clear.. So I WON'T SAY what I believe their faith is about..
i stated facts and clarifications. i was quoting what u said only because it was wrongly i was saying if u want to quote something, quote it with source in order to not cause confusion among others and so i can maybe explain it. and yes, bcz u quoted it wrong i WAS offended a little bit, but im used to it because ive been through worse than that. also...yes, ur right about translation from another language can be wrong--in general ya no---in most contexts not all. plus...i was never by any means debating religion. i was never trying to prove which is wrong or right. i was basically stating facts from other religions and my own and clarifying it. how is that offensive to other people when its facts/clarifications that even most professors agree? again----i am not debating. it's not my thing and plus, my religion says its not kool to debate so im utilizing that to my use. but thank you for addressing me. it gave me the opportunity to clarify some things that u and/or others misunderstood.natty said:see.. sensitive topic.. why? because people wont accept other's belief or how they see certain religion...
amira, just let it go.. i know you are offended.. but have you ever thought that when you talk about other religion.. they are offended too? another thing.. vilaseng isnt the only one who heard that quote.. i even heard that quote when i was taking world religion.. but that's not here nor there.. why? because when things are translated, it's not always 100% right.. just think of it this way.. you follow your good religious teaching.. and others will follow theirs.. what's the use of argueing or debating over something like religion? nothing good come out of it... it's different from other topics..
Thnx Natty & Vilasaeng for the q's/request of clarifications concerning the abovementioned verses.natty said:amira.. one last quick question.. how do we know that muhammed is really the last prophet or actually a prophet for that matter? do we just accept and believe?
i'm not picking on islamic ok because i question jesus too.. as i question moses and so on.
also can you tell me about "The Sword of Allah" (i took the time to go look for my notes and this is what i found, if wrong please explain okies)
"Fight and slay the pagans (infidels) wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war". - Koran, Sura 9:5
"Believers (Muslims), take neither Jews nor Christians to be your friends: they are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number, and God does not guide (those Jewish and Christian) wrongdoers." - Koran, Sura 5:51-5:74
was this translated wrong or was this translated right but interpret wrong?