welcome mz.mamiiemz.mamiie said:Im half lao, half khmer
welcome mz.mamiiemz.mamiie said:Im half lao, half khmer
welcome karuna & Karen mostly laos chick here no guysKaren said:sabidee everbody!!! I'm Laos too!!! I'M PROUD TO BE LAOS!!!!
Reagan said:too cute too care? why so?
Reagan said:no no like why are you too cute too care?
Casper said:this 2 cute 2 care girl is full of herself, and i don't think she is full laos
i'm what u call are true laos not that imitation 2 cute 2 care faker. so what
do u think of that 2 cute 2 care.
p.s love u heaps.
missjoy said:2cute2care.. i think your sn is attracting Reagan.. eheheh
THATS IT CASPER!!!!! you want to bring it ON!Casper said:your just full off yourself ain't ya 2cute2care i've seen what u look like so don't flatter yourself. oh and reagan don't bother LOL. no just kidding, i reckon reagan u should make a move. don't be a chick shit. i heard that cyberlove is the in at the moment.