Wung Nam Karng [Kantana]


sarNie Oldmaid
yeah i agree with you Ana if Wung Nam Karng is really gonna air in december then it's definately airing after Koo Pbuan Olawon because i read Prik Fah La Tawan is airing after Sa Naey Nang Giew on Dec.9, Pinky's fans was like this is gonna be Kantana's la korn in a long time that has to rush filming and airing at the same time,hope it comes out good,wanna see lots of cute scenes of Pinky+Win, hope they have some in here.


Just plain obsessed
I've just fallen in love with Win after watching Pbom Ruk Roy Adeed...I forgot about what actresses are on Ch. 7, since I'm more of a Ch. 3 fan...I just heard about his lakorn with Charm...is he also doing one with Fang? Or maybe I got it wrong? I saw him in a behind the scenes with Louis Scott and Lift, what lakorn was that for?


sarNie Adult
LOL N'Grace. That'll be cool if it did air in the christmastime. :D Definetly a good christmas gift. LOLs
Weird that this is airing before JYLS, probably because Kantana is faster than Polyplus i guess? :huh:
As long as the lakorn doesn't drag and the pr'nangs have chemistry, it's all good for me ;)


sarNie Oldmaid
There has been a mix up this la korn is not airing yet but instead is airing is Jao Ying Lum Sing, i kind of knew it that Kantana's la korn won't air this soon,they just start filming,i think let them take their time in filming is better, don't be dissappointed n'Grace and you gals who are waiting to see this la korn, we just have to wait for next year to see this la korn. watch Pinky in Jao Ying Lum sing first. ;)


sarNie Adult
Oh, so it really is JYLS? That's good too, because either way we'll see Pinky. :D
I cant wait for that lakorn either since Pinky is going to fight and kick butt again! :arrg: lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
yes really JYL will air confirm from ch7 website
yep we'll get to see Pinky in action,singing morlum,and as a pretty princess, will be very good,can't wait :D


sarNie Adult
so it will air next timeslot right? i wonder what lakorn it will air after too ..
Hopefully we dont have to wait that long


sarNie Adult
LOL KPO. Yep, cant wait either, hopefully pinky's character will be just like in NMKP.
Sweet, yet strong. hehe.


sarNie Oldmaid
nina k Posted Today, 02:36 AM
LOL KPO. Yep, cant wait either, hopefully pinky's character will be just like in NMKP.
Sweet, yet strong. hehe.
Pinky's character in JYL has a lot of emotions: naughty, playful, silly,funny,happy,strong,sad,lonely,sweet,etc...her character is not like NMKP but kinda similar i think,will be interesting,she get to play varieties of things in here:singing,dancing,action: fighting with the bad guys,ride horses,shoot gun, has amnesia-loose her memory too,she is not a sweet girly princess but she is a playful,strong princess. can't wait to see it :D


sarNie Oldmaid
i read from Pinky's fan they said Glom play as a guy who is in love with Pinky and it makes Win so jealous,so he's very jealous over her with Glom, 555+ , i love it when pra'ek is so jealous over nang'ek with another guy and will be more good if his character is one of those pra'ek who would hug/kiss her often everytime he gets jealous, 555+ hope it's like this in this la korn.will be so good if it's. i can't wait to see this la korn,hope it air soon after JYL end.