o.k. time to tell about the summary. this is what Pinky told her fans about the summary.
Pinky play as Ratikarn
Win play as Panorn
Kelly is the owner of wung nam karng he has a son which is Win. then he help a pregnant woman(play by nok) he bring her to live in his house. there was this girl(play by Muey supaporn) that his dad adopted i guess as a daughter who love him but he doesn't love her, she's jealous see him with Nok, she think he like Nok but really he adore nok like a sister i guess.so Muey try to get rid of nok, harass her often, so after nok gave birth to Pinky. Muey kill her and throw her dead body in the well near the house. so Kelly adopted Pinky as his daughter. and he send Win to studied overseas since Win was a kid. Win doesn't know he has an adopted sister. Kelly didn't tell anyone that Pinky is not his real daughter. then when Win grew up i guess after he finish his studies, he came back home and saw Pinky, he like her right away and didn't know she's his sister. but after he found out she's his half sister(same dad), he was unhappy think she'll take the love and everything away from him from his dad. so after that they didn't get a long. Muey try to get rid of Pinky too because found out she's Nok's daughter who she hate and had kill and she think Pinky will take away Kelly+Win's love and will(money). Kelly knew Muey want to get rid of Pinky so he find a way to protect Pinky. he want Pinky and Win to get married. they both were shock because thought they are real siblings but later found out the truth that they are not real siblings, so they agree to get married. but after they got married they were aware of eachother and have problems because Muey make them misunderstood eachother often. Amy play as a regular girl who has a naughty ; mischievous personality who end up with Kelly, don't know how she will get involve in wung nam karng yet. Nok's spirit will come see Pinky to make her see what happen to her and to protect Pinky too.
sounds interesting! so there'll be cute scenes of Win and Pinky since they are husband and wife. the summary sounds very good. i like it when praek and nangaek live in the same house and especially are married. woo hoo

:yahoo: can't wait to see it. hope it air soon.