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How did Mai Davika get even skinnier? Like...scary skinny?
I used to be a fan of Hilary Duff and here when she lost a tonnnnn of weight, I was literally like, “She was so beautiful before!!!!!” But here she looked like she starved herself. I’m so glad she realized she was not looking healthy and she’s looking like herself again!
The problem is, once you become thin thin it's never enough.
I cannot stand Yaya’s acting. After years I thought she would improve by now.
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I’ve never watched full lakorns of her in it, only clips. the thing that annoys me is the cute persona she gives. She’s like how old? :rolleyes:
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I just saw a snippet of the netflix show, her acting is ridiculous, her eyes have no emotions and looks like shes literally just reading a script. They need to stop just handing scripts out and have people actually audition for it.
The scripts are even good in the first place, that’s why there’s little point in auditions.
Dang I think Veerayut Rosocha committed suicide? RIP. I remember him from that crazy lakorn Nampeung Satan. He was a good lookin’ dude in his younger days.
Cupid Candy
Cupid Candy
OMG Really. He was also Dao Prasook's dad. What is with all these veteran actors committing suicide lately? Says a lot about needing to advocate for more mental health help in Thailand.
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Yea it’s so sad :( It’s the people you never expect too…
Oh how sad. May he be at peace.
i almost didn't recognize gubgib. She lowkey reminds of me jessi now
I haven't seen what she looks like recently but stumbled across a video of a Cartier event and some of these actresses blew me away. Never understood why they mess with their faces so much.
She's looking good but i just hope she doesn't keep changing more cause she's going to end up like her bestie due.
@byebye I thought she actually looks good. kind of look similar but you can see the drastic change at the same time.

@alissaax I thought her surgeon did a good job bc she actually looks good! but same. I hope she doesn't do more or try to make any further adjustments, bc she'll end up messing it up when it looks good already.
anyone here watching c drama love like the galaxy ? im obsessed
@Ms.Zoe Ive watched a few eps but dropped it because i just cant feel the chemistry between the leads lol. wulei and reba look like sibling. thank god lusi and wulei able to create explosive chemistry. Im hooked and instantly become a fan of wulei. Hope he does more costume drama because he looks amazing in costume
@byebye ikrrr. she is indeed capable of creating good chemistry with her co star. yess wu lei is amazing as general Ling. im falling hard for him.
@Anne22 I agree, I didn't see much chemistry of reba & him, I think I stopped 1/3 into the drama. I don't think they have a real kissing scene due to Leo's young glad there are kissing scenes for him in lltg :D.
Is it just me? As they get older I’m finding that Mark & James Ji increasingly resemble each other.
I think Bad Romeo will be depressing. No offense to yaya or Mario fans. Yaya has too many crying scenes in this plus a lot of union-separation of the lead pair throughout the lakorn.
After seeing Alia’s recent baby bump pics, I highly suspect her and Ranbir had a shotgun wedding lol
I didn't know she was pregnant until you mentioned it. lol I know they just got married a few months ago, but her stomach does look slightly too big so she def was pregnant prior to the wedding. I personally won't assume it was a shotgun wedding tho. It could've happened during the wedding plan too, but whatever the case may be, congrats to them.
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That could be true too..Ranbir did say the marriage would have happened earlier if covid hadn’t been a thing. Who knows!
I'm sure they were planning it. They've been wanting to wed for a long time.
I wonder if Ken T did something to his face bc he looks slightly diff & tired looking vs his usual good looking self.
I think at some point, something always changed. I don't understand it as altering the face even with botox aged them and make their facial appearance strange. It gives the opposite result of what they want to achieve.
At his age, people tend to use botox and fillers more. Not surprised.