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I want the fake lakorn kisses back.
And them neck sniffing!
No I do not want fake kisses back. I need them to practice more LMAO like seriously their kiss scenes are so cringey to watch.
some one31 kiss scenes are not bad tho
Anyone else always hated school? Like I’m not into studying at alllllll
I hate it lol actually I like going to school but don’t like the assignments haha
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Cupid Candy
Cupid Candy
I liked school if it was a class I did well in. I was the worst studier though. Like I could only do it for 10 mins at a time, then I would procrastinate on youtube for hours. I'm surprised I managed to graduate with 2 degrees haha.
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@SuzieJ yea I like meeting friends and doing the extracurricular stuff but hate everything else lol

@Cupid Candy girl you just described me. That’s how I study too lmao. I have very little focus when it comes to studying.
Tor acting in Project S is no joke. Tell me they gave him an award.
Tor can act in any role he's given. His roles aren't repetitive, which helps improve his acting.
@twister02 He sure deserved all the awards ! His acting in Project S is no joke man ! Nadech could never. I want Pat in One31 to work with Tor !
@ImQueen One31/Gmm25 pushing-your-actors-boundaries politic is paying. They ratings are surpassing ch3 now while their newbies are growing skills.
"goodbye my princess" why are you so mean?! I can't stop crying now!
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Ahhh i loveee that drama. The princess is so beaitiful and the ending was painful
and I love the songs too. made everything more emotional.
Kudos to the people who make an effort to look good even going to the grocery store. I saw a lady in a full set of lashes along with nicely curled hair. I don't even brush my hair when I leave the house anymore LOL
Worst case scenario for this pandemic in my country: Until January 2021. I'll wait for my own death then.
Turkish dramas have a lot of episodes and it even depends on ratings. Sigh... but I love how I get to know how entertainment industry works overseas as well as the culture of the country.
I really got into Turkish dramas last summer but man, I feel like they rush too quickly to cancel a show in the beginning. Like I would be watching a show and waiting for the next episode only for it to be cancelled so randomly D; Like nothing started yet! & it's already cancelled...
I still don't really understand how dramas work over there. They're like 2 hrs long with hundreds of episodes. & the leads usually end up liking each other in the first episode so I have nothing else to look forward to in the next 100+ episodes lol. sorry i kinda ended up ranting on your post haha.
It's okay hahahahaha lol I'm annoyed if a series gets cancelled due to low ratings like they wasted the artists and staff's time and effort. I count how many days do I need to finish a Turkish series and I'm exhausted lmao
The news don't even show the forecast no more & social media say to use bra for a mask b/c of shortages. Rat. I haven't wear one for so long tho, i guess can't go out today.
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Funny u mention that on Friday my bro & Momma we’re out shopping and saw a man taking a bra to cover his mouth. She thought it was weird but thought he might not have any other choice and that it’s not good he’s touching it and putting it back.
I think it would be a good idea for channels at this time to rerun some of their really old lakorns, it would be nice to see some stuff in decent quality.
I know right! Either air older lakorns in better quality or air some of their stock lakorns.
Yesss!!! That is such an awesome idea!! I wonder if we can promote this to someone?
I need them to remaster a few of their older lakorn. Thinking back to those video cassette, recording quality was really bad. How did we manage to sit through it hahaha
Ok so our president announced the possibility of extended lockdown until April 30. This year is getting worse and is a nightmare for everyone.