I hope US makes the right choice for their election... Trump better not win. I may live outside US but he does not deserve to be a president in the first place.
Why is it that Taew seems so "in your face" about her relationship on IG? She was never like this with Ton. It seems like she's trying really hard to show off that she's happy. Even Mew Nittha isn't so obnoxious about her relationship.
We heard stories of ppl caught watching porn , how about your phone somehow linked to everyone phone in the house and they SAW everything u google pop up in their history tab & thr site u visit?? Good lord.
He was annoying me today, by taking things and we ofcourse argued again about my desk that was his desk. So i threw my cutter at him... and i poked his back with a broom handle.
The audacity of announcing your engagement when you are a mistress and ruined the original family in the first place and you are a public figure too. Who would be happy for you? No one. Except people who tolerate cheaters.
Who miss the "Nanny" here ? 90's was such a great decade for American dramas and sit coms ! Kids you don't know what you missed. They don't make it like that anymore.
Almost hit him with my water bottle and he was going to hit me back. Then we argued about our office then my desk that was his. And he was whining that i was being mean to him and i act like a spoilt 4 year old that always says no.