New profile posts

Another typhoon has come to the Philippines and yet the national government being trash and does not hold themselves accountable on what they can do? I'm so embarrassed to be Filipino right now.
Why? When i keep quiet, he seems to always want to annoy me... but when i annoy him he gets pissed off.
Did anyone have trouble getting into this site since Friday?
I did. I had to keep change my date back to the 6th. It's working fine now.0
That’s weird, I wasn’t able to access at all. That’s good it’s back on. I thought there was update to the site, but nothing change. I didn’t miss anything for that past 4 days. Lol
Same thing
I hope US makes the right choice for their election... Trump better not win. I may live outside US but he does not deserve to be a president in the first place.
@Liddysopretty Which girls are you talking about? Who's watching fake news? America has never been as great as it claims to be but which country has been great? Obviously, there is fake news but it can't get an more real when the man in the white house is saying these words out of his own mouth or he's tweeting about it.
Lol...fake news became a thing a few years ago because those news were not in favor of someone hahaha..@Liddysopretty I am sure each of us here can do our own research to know which news to believe or not believe, don't assume anyone when you really don't know them personally, even if you do, don't assume because sometimes you will be surprised how much they know & you don't
continue from my previous post....being sincere & blunt, cut to the chase are good traits but being a bully to anyone who disapprove you (not you :) ) is something else, I think you know who I am talking about as a bully :)
Hey guys I have net but my bestie has to stay another night she got hurt bad today so she can't walk home tonight. I will be back tomorrow
Why is it that Taew seems so "in your face" about her relationship on IG? She was never like this with Ton. It seems like she's trying really hard to show off that she's happy. Even Mew Nittha isn't so obnoxious about her relationship.
she gets to display his wealth and her relationship with him. This option was not available before..
Her father recently died right? Sometimes that's just a form of crying for attention. Then again, she probably just happy to finally show off a hi-so considering her best buddies were doing it before her. She be like, suckers I got one too.
Like what @byebye said it could be her coping mechanism for the loss of her father and also she wants to show everyone that if her friends can get a hiso, she can get one too.
We heard stories of ppl caught watching porn , how about your phone somehow linked to everyone phone in the house and they SAW everything u google pop up in their history tab & thr site u visit?? Good lord.
He was annoying me today, by taking things and we ofcourse argued again about my desk that was his desk. So i threw my cutter at him... and i poked his back with a broom handle.
I'm fine, its nothing serious. everyone at work thinks I'm being mean to him now. Cause yesterday i ignored him but he kept coming to annoy and bother me... and i punch his arm after he poke my arm just to annoy me and then i lightly slapped his forehead too and he was being dramatic about it infront of everyone.
The audacity of announcing your engagement when you are a mistress and ruined the original family in the first place and you are a public figure too. Who would be happy for you? No one. Except people who tolerate cheaters.