With Mark, I don't know. His acting has not gone anywhere. The only character I ever connected with him is his character in TRRR, Kob. It's funny though, because I remember the director mentioning the reason why he picked Mark is because how similar his character and Mark's is in real life lol, plus the whole koojin thing. He technically didn't even need to act in that lakorn lol, but gosh did I adore his character and hated Kim's character, Bua, so much. Okay I didn't hate her that much, but I just hated how she used him in the lakorn and how she never see his love for her until like the last 2 episodes or so lol. He was so good in that lakorn, but I don't know what happened though, so I came to a conclusion that Mark is only good in roles that are similar to his real life self lol. All of this may sound like I hate Mark, but I really don't. I like him somewhat as a person seeing how sweet he is with Kimmy and so. I just don't like him as an actor, he's just not up there in my standard.
His acting in KC has improved actually. Even though I'm criticizing his acting, but it's definitely a lot better than his previous work, not much but it's better. The only thing I don't like about the lakorn is the story. So I'm not saying don't watch, but I'm just stating my thoughts on it. I might not like it, doesn't mean you'll not. You might actually like it

Take my opinion as a grain of salt. For example, before I watched it I read a couple of comments here stating how great it was, but of course I ended up not liking it, so it's better to watch it for yourself first and not ride with others opinions. I might be the very few people here that doesn't like it, but that's more because of my standard for lakorn has change quite a bit over the years.
But Yaya is another story though. I think she's carrying the whole lakorn. She's honestly the star of the show at the moment. If you don't like her overly cutesy roles that she had played in the past, then you'll enjoy her performance here. She surprised me with her portrayal of a sassy, reang, but yet nice character. I really didn't expect her to be this good but she's doing a phenomenal job here.
And YES! with the love occurring early into the show. I cannot stand lakorns where the couple bickers for days, weeks, months, and even years before they finally accept each other love in the last two episodes of the lakorn. I can accept a slow development of love story as long as there are many sweet scenes and scenes where they can understand and connect with one another, but I cannot accept a toxic love like the one in KC. I can accept a p'ek that's aggressive, but aggressive in my perfect definition is not someone that man-handled the n'ek like the way Mark's character is doing at the moment. I pretty much lost it when he pushed her into the water. That was the last straw for me. Some people were trying to glorified/defend him, by saying he was going to save her after seeing her struggling. Like NO! He shouldn't be pushing people in the water in the first place! There's nothing romance and charming about his split second consciousness. And people thinking him grabbing her wrist, pinning her against the wall, and verbally abuse her as something that's "hot" is pretty crazy to me. I know lakorn is known for this type of aggressiveness p'ek, so I think it's a little ridiculous of me to be complaining lol. I guess I just haven't seen one in so long that I'm a little uncomfortable with it.
And gosh I just wrote an essay again lol.