I have to agree, Kim went against some of the best people in the industry. I understand how Yaya would win cause she has a HUGE fanbase, I think Kim's fanbase is mainly international. And overall this is more of a fan voting thing so its not too big of a deal. I wonder if all the awards are fanbase though. But i also think some are from the big bosses to decide. Anyways I have to agree on PCKN it was so draggy. If it wasnt for the kisses between Kimja i would've dropped it.
Kim does indeed have a bigger international fanbase. I just wish she gets as much love from Thai people too

Even though Kim doesn't have that big of a fanbase compare to Yaya in Thailand, but among the nominees of the Best Actress Awards, I really think Kim has a bigger supporter group than Nun and Bella, but I guess I'm wrong lol. Either that, or the voting system was half and half, as in fan voting and expert critic judgement??? But it's okay, there will always be a next time. I really don't think Kim's character Nuth was all that great and her character wasn't very challenging in Kim's standard that is, so it's understanding that she didn't win. I'm still waiting for Kim to take on a challenging role. I honestly think she does very safe roles. I mean, Yaya is probably taking her most interesting and challenging role to date, so I hope ch3 will give Kim a chance to showcase her acting ability because I know Kim has it in her. And hopefully when that day comes, her p'ek will be our James Ma, or Nadech. One of those two will be perfect lol.
PCKNMPCW is one of those crack drama, where it's horrible but you got yourself too invest in the characters that you just continued to watch because you got yourself too deep into it lol. For me, I pretty much gave up on the lakorn after the island honeymoon. Somehow Mor Wat became too gullible, like what happened to the smart Mor in the beginning. And then there's Nuth, who was just too maiden in distressed. Again for someone that's so smart in the beginning, now becomes so gullible in believing everything that Soam has to say. Everyone in the later half of the lakorn became so dumb all of a sudden. It was so stressful watching them being played by Soam. If it wasn't for KimJa, I would have dropped the drama in a heartbeat.
Gosh, I never realized how much of a love and hate relationship I have with PCKNMPCW lol. I love it for bringing KimJa together because James is probably one of Kim best p'ek in my opinion, but man do I hate how the lakorn turn out to be. It was going so well. It was like they change director in the later half or something lol. But anyways, I saw this on youtube from one of my fav lakorn fanmade creator. Reminiscing of our Mor Wat and Khun Nuth. Enjoy!
And OMG! Someone made a fanvid of Mick and Kim. And you guys have no idea how much I adore him. Man, if these two ever do work together it would be a dream come true for me. Gosh, their physique would match so well! He's like super tall, so Kim would love so cute next to him. And they're both so gorgeous too, they would looked amazing together!!! The among of eye-candies these two will produce! They're the same age too (even though Kim is like 1o months older lol).

If only though....

I hate this acting within channel concept. I really would like to see Kim act with other actors outside of ch3, like with Mick, Weir, DJ Push, Micheal, Toomtam, and etc. Sadly all we have is these amazing crossed fanvids to indulge....
Kimmy looks amazing at the opening of PlayBoy Cafe...