In this version she seems to realize her mistake a little bit, just doesn't change her ways because she's in too deep. In the preview so goes to Pim and tells her that she will be a better mother than she would ever be and leaves. I don't remember a scene like that in Noi's version, I could have missed it, but in that version she pretty much died not learning anything lol. In this version they are punishing her bad though.
Also, I feel that Rerk didn't show enough interest in giving her another chance. Sure she was acting a little crazy, but could anyone blame her? Remember Rerk cheated on Pim with her lol so it is safe to assume that no one at that point could trust Rerk. Also, he basically ghosted and didn't help with the responsibilities of the baby the days leading up to her taking off (I didn't really see this part thoroughly cause I watched in class). He can't expect her to make an effort if he wasn't willing to do it himself. If my husband left me alone with our baby like that at the beginning of infancy, hell would hath no fury on a girl lol. Rerng is lucky because she still has Pim who continues to worry about her, regardless of what she does to her. At this point, I think death would be a better ending for Rerng. I lowkey want to see her reform and meet someone who is from the blue collar life that loves her and for her to realize finally that love isn't about the materials. You know what this ending sort of reminds me of a recent lakorn on channel 8 lol, Tangmo's lakorn. It somewhat ended the same for Mo's character (she was the main focus though). She ended up having to sleep with a married guy to save her status in the hi-so world, after she ditched all the guys who legitimately loved her.
I feel this has been the only thread so far in awhile where everyone has such different opinions, but is able to remain civil lol.