Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
Yes they’re definitely the one pair I think will have many chemistry. For one, bella is the flirty n’ek type (not in a bad way, just extra friendly) She gets all happy and comfortable with her p’ek real fast so as long as the p’ek doesn’t act all distant, reserved and shy. Like just don’t hold back and Bella will lead you the way LOLNow, Bella and Nadech is a pairing I'm really interested in seeing in a lakorn
I wonder when they’ll get to pair up? I wonder if Paajaew will be the culprit to pairing them up bc he adores them both!!! Pajaew is a very bias hog lol he only picks people he endearing LOVES!! Lol. Like I’ve been dreaming since forever for Mark to work with him lol but it’s not happening any time soon cuz Paajaew is cray and bias! Lol so I’ll chill off of Paajaew and let him work with his people instead! Lol but Pajaew is one director I super adore his work! Lol