Hmm, IDK if this is a valid statement in Thailand Bc halfies over there are soooo glorified, like they’re almost being perceived as God sent from the heaven. Lmao!! Ahahah. Well, just the hot halfies like Poo, Mai and Yaya! I think Matt’s slowly recovering her career too, she’s seem more active in the modeling gigs now too. I saw her modeling with a few other models like Bee N or whatsoever not too long ago. She’s picking up her career again with her banging body! Yes girl!! Haha

and a BIG production drama with Nadech to come out soon! I’m sure MLFTS is going to kick off Matt’s career one way or another.
Anyways, back to my point. I think halfies in Thailand are WAYYYYY more acepted and preached upon more than full Thais, so to say halfies aren’t acepted I’m not sure if that applies to Thailand. Maybe to other parts of the world because of racism? But in Thailand, halfies are too glorified! Lol. They get the best of both worlds! Both international work and top notch deals in Thailand, well speaking mostly of Mai, Yaya and Poo, currently. Lol. But even other halfies are ridiculously worshipped too, it’s ingrained into their culture, esp in the ent industry.
Welp, hope this make sense. Just throwing in some super mega perspective from your girl D! lol