Lol she responded to the comments asking one poster if she had any money because if not then she won't sue them

. To another poster who said she doesn't like Matt anymore, Matt responded with New Jiew's song that has the lyric "don't love me, don't care about me, don't be nice to me"

. To a third post she said she didn't do anything wrong so why should she care?
I'm glad she's finally gonna answer, not cus I'm nosy (which I am) but because every freaken day, there's new rumors. The media runs like at least one rumors about her each day. The latest rumor (according to a source that is close to the family

) was that she's already met his parents and gotten the green light. They've been dating 4-5 (some "source" said 5-6) months and when they are ready they will go public.